Agenda item

Climate Change Strategy


(a)       That the Committee notes the contents of the report;


(b)       That the Committee supports the improvement of internal communications to raise awareness of the Council’s positive progress in moving to achieve its climate change ambitions;


(c)       That the Committee supports the introduction of embedding carbon measures into procurement processes within a pilot portfolio of the Council;


(d)       That the Committee supports the case for an Invest to Save post and resources to introduce Building Management Systems within more of our building assets to improve the management of energy use; and


(e)       That the Committee supports the embedding of climate change principles throughout the Council, through delivery of Carbon Literacy training to Elected Members, Senior Managers and other key decision makers.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) introduced the report on progress with the Climate Change Strategy which was adopted by Cabinet in February 2022.  The accompanying action plan outlined progress in creating a net zero carbon Council by 2030 and was split into key themes.  In addition to the appointment of an experienced officer, the establishment of the Climate Change Committee (from the former Climate Change Programme Board) would help to embed climate change across the organisation.


The Committee was introduced to Alex Ellis, the Climate Change & Carbon Reduction Programme Manager, who gave a presentation covering:


·         Context

·         Achievements so far

·         Development of the Strategy - Baseline and Engagement

·         Action Plan to Net Zero Carbon

·         Current Staff Resource

·         Governance Structure

·         Timeline to 2030

·         2021/22 Progress Report

·         Recommendations

·         Priorities for 2023-24


In response to a question from Rev Brian Harvey, the Programme Manager spoke about increasing public awareness of the issues amongst younger people and plans to engage further.  The Chief Officer referred to working with partners and previous Member workshops to promote positive change.


Following a question from Allan Rainford on investment decisions, the Programme Manager referred to proactive work to identify funding opportunities including collaborative projects and Invest to Save options, to achieve medium to long-term benefits.  The roll-out of carbon literacy training to elected Members and senior managers would help stakeholders to understand the benefits of those investments.


As Vice-Chair of the Climate Change Committee, Councillor Allan Marshall referred to savings achieved by controlling heating temperatures in buildings.  The Programme Manager referred to temperature management measures in non-domestic building stock and confirmed that Council domestic properties were not included in the scope of the carbon emission data.


The Chief Officer (Governance) commented on actions to reduce carbon emissions from procurement activities which had increased during 2021/22.


The Chair highlighted the need for more clarity on milestones in the action plan to achieve the aims within the strategy, which was noted by the Programme Manager.  In response to concerns about the level of focus on procurement, reference was made to the methodology for reporting carbon emissions as set out by Welsh Government.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked the officers for their attendance and detailed presentation.


The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Bernie Attridge and Linda Thomas.




(a)       That the Committee notes the contents of the report;


(b)       That the Committee supports the improvement of internal communications to raise awareness of the Council’s positive progress in moving to achieve its climate change ambitions;


(c)       That the Committee supports the introduction of embedding carbon measures into procurement processes within a pilot portfolio of the Council;


(d)       That the Committee supports the case for an Invest to Save post and resources to introduce Building Management Systems within more of our building assets to improve the management of energy use; and


(e)       That the Committee supports the embedding of climate change principles throughout the Council, through delivery of Carbon Literacy training to Elected Members, Senior Managers and other key decision makers.

Supporting documents: