Agenda item

Young Persons Drug & Alcohol Team


               (a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That any changes to the Welsh Government Grant which funds the Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Team be reported to the Committee.



The Service Manager Youth Justice Service and Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Team introduced a report to provide an update on the developments within Flintshire “Sorted” – Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Team (YPDAT) and an overview of the changes in regional funding arrangements.


            The YPDAT had established a Young Person’s Steering Group which worked in partnership with the team and had recently renamed the service as Flintshire Sorted, the aim being to de-stigmatise services and to establish a ‘brand’ across Flintshire.  Details of Flintshire Sorted initiatives were outlined within the report.


            In response to a question about growing cannabis for personal use, the Chair advised that cannabis was an illegal substance and any concerns Members had should be reported to the Police.  


            Councillor S. Jones asked if the YPDAT met with the Police on a regular basis.  The Service Manager explained that a Police Officer was employed within the Youth Justice Team and that regular meetings were held with the Police to discuss issues around Anti-Social Behaviour.  He also explained that Members could make referrals through the out-reach programme seeking a member of the YPDAT to visit areas across Flintshire where there were concerns around drug and alcohol misuse.  Councillor S. Jones asked if the contact details of the YPDAT could be sent to her following the meeting.


            Councillor M. Bateman suggested that a representative of North Wales Police be invited to a future meeting of the Committee.  The Chair explained that the Committee could recommend to the Community Profile and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee that a representative of North Wales Police attends one of their meetings to provide an overview of their role in tackling drug and alcohol misuse.


            Councillor P.J. Curtis commented on the number of establishments across Flintshire who had been granted licences to sell alcohol and asked about the possibility of removing licences where establishments had been found to be selling alcohol to under age persons.  He also asked whether advice and support was made available to older people to educate them on drug and alcohol misuse.


            The Operations Manager explained that through the wider Community Safety Partnership the YPDAT worked closely with the Police and Trading Standards targeting areas where instances of establishments selling alcohol to young people had been reported.  This had resulted in a number of prosecutions taking place.  Advice and support was available to older people but only for those already receiving treatment for drug and/or alcohol misuse.  Funding had been made available to enable officers to visit colleges to educate young people over the age of 18 on the affects of drug and alcohol misuse but further work needed to be carried out on this area.


            Councillor V. Gay asked whether consideration had been given to introducing a scheme where the Police could remove intoxicated young people to be placed in a safe environment while waiting for their parents to collect them.  The Service Manager explained that a similar scheme had previously been piloted by North Wales Police but this had been unsuccessful.  The Operations Manager explained that once the YPDAT had been informed that alcohol had been confiscated from a young person a member of the team would contact their parents to offer support.  A home visit may be necessary if a pattern emerged of regular alcohol misuse.


            The Chair praised the production of an alcohol education DVD resource pack which had been written, acted, filmed and edited by Flintshire Sorted.  She said that this was an excellent DVD and suggested that a copy be provided to all Members of the Committee.  The Chair also congratulated the work of the team and her comments were echoed by the Committee. 


            The Director of Community Services thanked the Service Manager and Operations Manager for presenting the report to the Committee.  He praised the work of the YPDAT but referred the Committee to the financial implications outlined within the report which would need to be continually monitored to ensure no reduction in grant funding in the future.  The Cabinet Member for Social Services endorsed the comments of the Director and thanked the YPDAT for their hard work.               


            The Chair suggested that any changes to the Welsh Government Grant which funds the YPDAT be reported to the Committee.  The Committee supported this suggestion.




(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That any changes to the Welsh Government Grant which funds the Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Team be reported to the Committee.


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