Agenda item
Day Care Provision
- Meeting of Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 27th October, 2022 2.30 pm (Item 22.)
- View the background to item 22.
(a) That members understood the current availability of day care provision available to adults in Flintshire; and
(b) That members support the continued commitment to provide and increase day care choices and options across Flintshire.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report informing Members that there were currently two formal Day Care Centres for Older People within the Council’s ownership, being Croes Atti in Flint and Marleyfield in Buckley. He took the opportunity to introduce Chris Phillips the new Service Manager for Older People Services to the Committee before handing over to the Commissioning Manager and the Senior Manager for Adults to give a more in-depth review of the services.
The Commissioning Manager stated that where there was a high level of need, the day care services continued at a small level throughout the pandemic which enabled people to stay at home rather than going into long-term care. This allowed them the opportunity to explore more broadly in allowing people to have their needs met in a much more person centred way than they did 10 years ago.
She informed Members that a Micro carer had set up their own day service in Flint which was being accessed by people via direct payments, enabling people who do not come into social services directly for services access to some low level preventative support. They were also looking into setting one up in the Saltney area. She also advised that they were now in a position for the Council to commission their services.
The Senior Manager for Adults explained that day care had evolved over the pandemic period and was no longer a place where people go for the day to give the carers a well-earned rest, although day care did still exist for those who needed it. The demand was now for a more mixed and matched approach to enhance hobbies and interests. Community groups had popped up which were run by local Communities, some in partnership with the Council and Flintshire Local Voluntary Services, which give a much wider range of hobbies and services. She advised that Croes Atti was still up and running and that there was capacity on a couple of days, which on a short term basis was being offered to exiting users, alongside being advertised and advising the SPOA team and Social Workers, who regularly access people for respite and the need for day care, of any vacancies. At present Marleyfield had no day care due to lack of demand. She advised that she was in consultation with Flintshire Local Voluntary Services to come up with ideas to work together to expand services that could be provided there, with a possibility of becoming a warm hub that was being developed by Housing and possibly a foodbank or Community Kitchen. She was seeking support from two Members, one for each centre, who would be interested in helping and asked that they contact the Social Care and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator to put their name forward.
Councillors Mackie and Cunningham congratulated them on the report and welcomed the thorough answers to questions raised.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Buckley and seconded by Councillor Cunningham.
(a) That Members understood the current availability of day care provision available to adults in Flintshire; and
(b) That members support the continued commitment to provide and increase day care choices and options across Flintshire.
Supporting documents:
- Day Care Provision, item 22. PDF 89 KB
- Enc. 1 for Day Care Provision, item 22. PDF 30 KB
- Enc. 2 for Day Care Provision, item 22. PDF 29 KB
- Enc. 3 for Day Care Provision, item 22. PDF 46 KB