Agenda item

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan


(a) That the progress to date, as shown in the report be noted; and


(b) That the Committee approve the high-level priorities and action plan ahead of the formal adoption of the Full Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan by the end of Q3 2022-23.


The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention introduced a report to provide an update on progress with developing the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.  The report also identified the high-level priorities contained within the Transition Plan and a draft action plan that Flintshire County Council and its partners would need to deliver in order to achieve transformation in homeless prevention and statutory homelessness services and begin the transition to Rapid Rehousing. 


He commented that a TrACE agenda was being developed with regards to trauma and complex needs.  He also added that a vital part was supporting the workforce through development and training to build up resilience in the service, to avoid staff burnout and in turn to help maintain the retention of staff. 


The Service Manager informed the Committee that they were looking to supply a provision for a second homeless hub to serve both the North and South of Flintshire and commented on the need to increase supply of affordable housing.  He assured the Committee that there was a commitment to continue helping people sustain tenancies.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration thanked the Service Manager for the detailed report.  He commented on a successful case study around Rapid Rehousing which he had been made aware of for Perth & Kinross which he said he would happily share with the Committee following the meeting.  He added that he would like more success stories to be presented at future meetings on the work being undertaken by the Council.


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin commented that the biggest challenge was to acquire more housing stock and asked what could be done to utilize more assets for 2- and 1-bedroom flats.  The Service Manager advised that they were working closely with assets to explore more stock opportunities.


Councillor Glyn Banks commented on void properties and said that whilst the Committee had previously agreed to receive an update report on void properties in six months’ time, he felt that this needed to be considered at every meeting.  His comments were supported by Councillor Kevin Rush.  The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) responded that the Committee, at its last meeting, had recommended an update report in six months’ time, to allow for the actions within the action plan to be implemented.  In the meantime, the Committee would be invited to a site visit to take part in a walkthrough of the voids process from start to finish. 


The Chair asked if she could attend the meetings of the Voids Working Group, as Chair of the Committee to sit as an observer.  The Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration explained that he would now be sitting on the Voids Working Group and welcomed attendance by Members of the Committee when appropriate. 


The Chair asked if there had been any progress with identifying suitable locations for a replacement to the current Homeless hub.  The Service Manager advised that there had been a potential site identified in the Deeside area.  A feasibility study would need to be undertaken and there would be engagement with local Members, prior to an update report being presented to Scrutiny and Cabinet.


The recommendations, as outlined within the report, were moved by Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, and seconded by Councillor Dale Selvester. 




(a)       That the progress to date, as shown in the report be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee approve the high-level priorities and action plan ahead of the formal adoption of the Full Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan by the end of Q3 2022-23.

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