Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Garage Sites and Plot Sites update


(a)       That the Committee support the garage demolition programme proposals for addressing those sites and assets in a poor condition; and


(b)       That the Committee support the matrix, outlined in the report, on the criteria for assessing the garage sites for demolition.


The Service Manager Housing Assets introduced a report to provide an update on the Council’s garage demolition programme along with providing an insight into how the Council assessed the land for future use. 


As part of the Council’s continued investment works towards maintaining the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS), the garage sites across the County had been assessed in terms of their condition, investment requirements and revenue generation/income.  The Council had developed a scoring matrix to allow an objective assessment of each garage site.  Each of the categories, as detailed within the report, were scored and re-scored during any new survey/assessment with the total score assisting with the prioritisation of the demolition programme.


In response to a question from Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, the Service Manager Housing Assets advised that the disposal of land was considered where it was found not suitable following a survey/assessment and all options considered.


Councillor Bernie Attridge referred to a previous commissioned report on garage sites and asked if the previous report had been considered as part of the basis for the report presented to the Committee.  He also commented on the number of unusable garages across the County and asked if there was an option to fast track sites that could be developed in order to bring in additional revenue to the Council and assist with the lack of housing supply across the County.  The Service Manager Housing Assets advised that the previous report had formed the basis for the matrix and had been used to prioritise garages to be demolished first alongside working with the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP) team to identify sites for new development.  In consultation with local Members and the Chair of the Committee sites had been identified and were being progressed by the SHARP team. 


Councillor Sean Bibby, Cabinet Member for Housing & Regeneration, welcomed the report and advised that he had attended a number of site visits with the Strategic Housing & Program Delivery Manager to identify sites prior to consultation with local Members.


Councillor David Evans said that, alongside Councillor Ron Davies, he had recently met with residents of Poplar Avenue and Dodd’s Court in Higher Shotton on parking issues.  He commented on the garage site at Melrose Avenue which had recently been demolished and asked that when future plans for this site were being considered could consideration be given to ensuring that there was sufficient parking made available to ensure there is no further impact on adjacent streets.  The Service Manager Housing Assets advised that prior to the disposal of any land and before any new build there was a need to consider the impact on the whole community, parking and congestion.  The Environmental Works Programme addressed parking in the community. 


The recommendations, as outlined within the report, were moved by Councillor David Evans and seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge. 




(a)       That the Committee support the garage demolition programme proposals for addressing those sites and assets in a poor condition; and


(b)       That the Committee support the matrix, outlined in the report, on the criteria for assessing the garage sites for demolition.

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