Agenda item

Climate Change Programme Progress Report


(a)      To receive the report and note its contents

(b)      To support the improvement of internal communications to raise awareness of the Council’s positive progress in moving to achieve its climate change ambitions.

(c)       To support the introduction of embedding carbon measures into procurement processes within a pilot portfolio of the Council.

(d)      To support the case for an Invest to Save post and resources to introduce Building Management Systems within more of our building assets to improve the management of energy use.

(e)      To support the embedding of climate change principles throughout the Council, through delivery of Carbon Literacy training to Elected Members, Senior Managers and other key decision makers


The Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) confirmed that the  report would be presented to Cabinet next week and that any comments received from this committee would be welcome.  This report had been presented to the Audit and Governance Committee and Climate Change Committee.


            The Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction)  commenced by saying the Climate Change Strategy was adopted in February last year and that the Council’s 2021/22 Carbon Footprint data had been submitted to Welsh Government (WG).  She then highlighted specific areas within the report which included the Council’s carbon footprint and emission targets.  Information was provided on the themes within the plan and an update on targets achieved for buildings, mobility, transport and procurement.  


            Moving on to the Priorities for 2023/24 the Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) outlined the improvements in data collection methodology, especially around procurement, and reported on the work being undertaken with the commissioning officers and suppliers.  An overview of the information on the priorities for business mileage, recording of employee vehicles, employee commuting and home working and tendering process when working with suppliers was given.  She then provided information on carbon literacy training,  the baselining of building and land stock and improvements to electrification of fleet, together with a net zero carbon school and aim for net zero carbon care home and local area energy plan.


            The Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) confirmed that in addition to herself a Climate Change Project Assistant had been appointed with a Climate Change Project Officer starting in two months.  It was also confirmed that there was a revenue pressure under the MTFS for an Energy Projects Co-ordinator to lead on renewable energy, energy saving and EV infrastructure support.  She also reported on the collaborative work with Denbighshire County Council for a Carbon Procurement Officer and access to additional funding both from WG and the private sector.


            Following questions from Councillor Mike Peers the Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) firstly referred to solar panels on schools. She said the most optimised option was provided for the roof space of each building with consideration made to identify what the pay back on investment would be and renewable energy achieved to off-set the cost.  She agreed to speak to another team on the point of revenue generated and report back.


            Referring to the point on decreases in heating costs from buildings or streetlighting she confirmed that these had been achieved through upgrades through the invest to save programme with these figures shown against the 2018 baseline information.


            Regarding the opportunities to decarbonise buildings the Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) confirmed that this was included as a priority to better understand what was able to be achieved within the existing council stock.


            In response to the Insulation of lofts and conservatories the Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) confirmed that these were supported through the Domestic Energy Team and she agreed to refer this question to them.


            A question was raised by Councillor Dan Rose on measurements in procurement to which the Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) confirmed that at present there was not a standardised measurement in place.  Welsh Government (WG) were developing a toolkit which would make it easier for councils to include carbon weighting in tendering and for suppliers to report on carbon emissions within contracts.


            Responding to a question from Councillor Richard Lloyd on the use of open fires in council properties, the Programme Manager (Climate Change & Carbon Reduction) was not aware of any policies from Welsh Government but reported on several enquires received asking for the reinstatement of open fires which would not be supported.  The Chief Officer (Streetscene) confirmed that Welsh Government had published a White Paper on a Clean Air Bill for Wales which would probably follow what was taking place in England.


            The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy thanked the Programme Manager for her work saying there were lots of positives within the report, but that procurement was a real problem.  He felt that once the Welsh Government (WG) toolkit was available it would be beneficial both for major contractors and the Council.  He said that it was unfair that this was linked to the value of the goods supplied rather than the number of miles travelled and that with inflation included it was a no-win situation for all authorities.


The recommendations within in the report were moved and seconded by Councillors Mared Eastwood and Roy Wakelam.




(a)      To receive the report and note its contents

(b)      To support the improvement of internal communications to raise awareness of the Council’s positive progress in moving to achieve its climate change ambitions.

(c)       To support the introduction of embedding carbon measures into procurement processes within a pilot portfolio of the Council.

(d)      To support the case for an Invest to Save post and resources to introduce Building Management Systems within more of our building assets to improve the management of energy use.

(e)      To support the embedding of climate change principles throughout the Council, through delivery of Carbon Literacy training to Elected Members, Senior Managers and other key decision makers

Supporting documents: