Agenda item

Adoption of the Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP).




(a)       That the Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP) (Final version at Appendix 2 – as amended by the binding changes set out in the Inspectors Report), as the new development plan for the Flintshire administrative area be adopted;


(b)       That the Adoption Statement (Appendix 3), Final Sustainability Appraisal including Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix 4), and Habitat Regulations Assessment (Appendix 5) be approved; and


(c)        That Council authorises the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and

Economy) to make outstanding typographical, grammatical, presentational, or factual amendments to the Flintshire LDP and supporting documents prior to its final publication.


Prior to consideration of the report Councillor David Healey and Councillor Gladys Healey, who had both declared a personal and prejudicial interest on Adoption of the Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP), withdrew from the room


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) presented a report to seek Members’ approval for the adoption of the Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP).  He provided background information and advised that the LDP Inspectors had concluded their deliberations and that their Final Report on the Examination into the Flintshire LDP, dated 15December 2022, had been published. The Final Report and its appendices were included as appendix 1 to the report. 


The Chief Officer reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report and paid tribute to all involved for their professionalism, tenacity and collaboration in producing the LDP.   In conclusion, the Chief Officer summarised that if the LDP was adopted it would give certainty to communities in Flintshire regarding the areas and environments that would be protected and identify a limited number of areas where development could, in principle, take place subject to future planning applications.  The LDP would provide the Council with the relevant policies against which to determine proposed developments. 


The Service Manager Strategy commented on the positive reasons for adopting the LDP and referred to the key points concerning the Inspectors’ Report.  The Chief Executive and Service Manager Strategy gave a presentation which covered the following:


·         Inspectors’ final report

·         adoption process

·         legal duty

·         consequences of not adopting

·         post adoption

·         recent correspondence


The Chief Officer (Governance) drew attention to the legal duties as set out in paragraph 1.13 of the report and referred to the options detailed in the report to either adopt the policy without amendment, or reject it in its entirety.  The Chief Officer explained that there was no power under the Regulations to adopt the LDP in part or to amend and advised on the implications of the options.


Councillor Chris Bithell spoke in support of the LDP and moved the recommendations in the report.  Councillor Dave Hughes said he fully supported the LDP and seconded the proposal.


Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson spoke in support of the LDP and encouraged Members to support the recommendations.


Councillor Bernie Attridge said he supported the LDP.


Councillor Sam Swash spoke against adoption of the LDP and said  that the residents of the  Hawarden/Mancot Ward did not support the Plan.


Councillor Mike Peers said the LDP provided ‘certainty’ and commented on the problem of “speculative development” in Flintshire.  He said that he supported the LDP overall.


Councillor Helen Brown said that adoption of the LDP would have a devastating effect on local communities and commented on the issues of flooding in her Ward, and the lack of infrastructure and schools.  She urged Members to vote against the LDP.


Councillor Gillian Brockley said she was unable to support all aspects of the LDP and reiterated the concerns expressed by Councillor Brown around the issue of flooding, the need for infrastructure, affordable homes, schools, and protection of green spaces and bio-diversity.


Councillor Carol Ellis said she could not support the LDP and spoke of the difficulties experienced by local residents in her Ward as a result of recent development.


Councillor Ant Turton spoke of the issue of flooding and the devastating impact on residents and their homes.


In summing up Councillor Chris Bithell addressed the concerns which had been raised by Members around “affordability”, site location, flooding, transport, schools and infrastructure.  


The Chair asked Members to consider and vote on the recommendations in the report.


A recorded vote was requested and the requisite number of Members stood in support of this. 


The following Councillors voted for the recommendations:

Bernie Attridge, Sean Bibby,  Chris Bithell, Mel Buckley, Teresa Carberry, Tina Claydon, Geoff Collett, Steve Copple, Paul Cunningham, Rob Davies, Ron Davies, Chris Dolphin, Rosetta Dolphin, Mared Eastwood, David Evans, Dave Hughes, Ray Hughes Alasdair Ibbotson, Paul Johnson, Christine Jones, Richard Jones, Simon Jones, Richard Lloyd,  Gina Maddison, Allan Marshall, Hilary McGuill, Billy Mullin, Debbie Owen, Ted Palmer, Andrew Parkhurst, Mike Peers, Michelle Perfect, Vicky Perfect, Ian Roberts, Kevin Rush, Jason Shallcross, Linda Thew, Roy Wakelam, Arnold Woolley, and Antony Wren.


The following Members voted against the recommendations:

Gillian Brockley, Helen Brown, David Coggins-Cogan, Bill Crease, Chrissy Gee, Ian Hodge, Andy Hughes, Carolyn Preece, David Richardson, Dan Rose, Dale Selvester, Sam Swash, Linda Thomas, and Ant Turton.


The following Members abstained:

Glyn Banks, Pam Banks, Marion Bateman, Adele Davies-Cooke, Carol Ellis, Dave Mackie, and Roz Mansell


On being put to the vote the following recommendations were carried.




(a)       That the Flintshire Local Development Plan (LDP) (Final version at Appendix 2 – as amended by the binding changes set out in the Inspectors Report), as the new development plan for the Flintshire administrative area be adopted;


(b)       That the Adoption Statement (Appendix 3), Final Sustainability Appraisal including Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix 4), and Habitat Regulations Assessment (Appendix 5) be approved; and


(c)        That Council authorises the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and

Economy) to make outstanding typographical, grammatical, presentational, or factual amendments to the Flintshire LDP and supporting documents prior to its final publication.



Councillors David Healey and Gladys Healey were invited to return to the meeting and were informed that following a recorded vote the recommendations in the report had been carried.


At this point the meeting was adjourned for a short break.


Supporting documents: