Agenda item
External Regulation Assurance
- Meeting of Governance and Audit Committee, Wednesday, 22nd March, 2023 10.00 am (Item 62.)
- View the background to item 62.
(a) That the Committee is assured by the Council’s response to external regulatory reports;
(b) That a reminder is sent to services that progress reports on action plans should be apolitical; and
(c) That the external reporting protocol be reviewed to clarify responsibilities for monitoring progress against action plans after submission to Cabinet and Overview & Scrutiny.
The Chief Executive presented the report to give assurance that reports from external regulators and inspectors in 2022/23 had been considered in accordance with the agreed internal reporting protocol. Whilst there was no requirement for a local response to Audit Wales’ national studies, the Council’s approach to assess against local work was regarded as good practice.
Concerns were raised by Councillor Bernie Attridge on the lack of responses to some recommendations, including Poverty in Wales, and delays in actions informing the customer involvement strategy.
The Chief Executive explained that the Council’s response would reflect the significant amount of work being done to tackle all elements of poverty, including that referenced as good practice within the Audit Wales report. On customer involvement, he spoke about the need to strengthen the tenants’ federation to ensure that it worked in collaboration with the Housing service to bring about change for all tenants.
The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager clarified that the ‘RAG’ status in the summary document indicated progress in implementing actions. She confirmed that the three outstanding reports had been scheduled accordingly and that she was liaising with portfolios to ensure that the protocol was followed.
Councillor Andrew Parkhurst raised concerns about reference to the “Welsh Labor Government” in the response to the Direct Payments report for Adult Social Care. The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager agreed to liaise with the service which had provided the wording. Councillor Glyn Banks suggested that all services be reminded that reports to the Committee should be apolitical.
On the responses in the summary document, Rev Brian Harvey noted reference to areas of good practice and asked if examples were made available by Audit Wales to inform learning. Gwilym Bury said that in addition to sharing case studies in published Audit Wales reports and publicising through local events, regular meetings were held at senior level within councils to share knowledge.
In response to a question from Allan Rainford on financial sustainability, the Corporate Finance Manager confirmed that financial management codes were reviewed and were relevant in demonstrating budgetary controls, use of reserves etc. In addition, a summary of compliance was incorporated in the Annual Governance Statement.
On a further question, the Chief Officer (Governance) explained that information on Equality Impact Assessments formed part of background papers which were available on request, and that Integrated Impact Assessments were summarised in strategic reports to Cabinet.
On the Audit Wales Rental Income report, Councillor Banks referred to the two proposals for improvement and queried the need for actions to be subject to the political governance process, particularly those on recommendation 1 which he felt could be resolved much sooner. The Chief Executive agreed to follow this up and provide a response.
The Chair reiterated the Committee’s role in seeking assurance of arrangements to respond to external reports and implement actions. Although arrangements were set out in the reporting protocol, she suggested that it be reviewed to clarify responsibilities for monitoring progress of actions and referring back any issues to this Committee.
The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager said that services were responsible for implementing actions and she agreed to liaise with Democratic Services to incorporate tracking arrangements within the protocol.
The recommendations, as amended, were moved and seconded by Councillors Banks and Parkhurst.
(a) That the Committee is assured by the Council’s response to external regulatory reports;
(b) That a reminder is sent to services that progress reports on action plans should be apolitical; and
(c) To review the external reporting protocol to clarify responsibilities for monitoring progress against action plans after submission to Cabinet and Overview & Scrutiny.
Supporting documents:
- External Regulation Assurance, item 62. PDF 90 KB
- Enc. 1 - Report summary, item 62. PDF 415 KB
- Enc. 2 - Reporting protocol, item 62. PDF 58 KB