Agenda item

Void Management


That the update be noted.



The Service Manager – Housing Assets presented the key figures and key activities against the void action plan, as outlined in the briefing note.


He outlined the number of new voids and those which had been completed and reported that 33 properties had been completed ready for allocation.  He also outlined the following, as presented in the briefing note:-


·         The number of major voids

·         Total overall number of void properties which had reduced to 234

·         The performance of the current contractors

·         Top reasons for terminations


The Chair commented on positive feedback that had been provided on the condition of the void properties being returned.


Councillor Dale Selvester commented on the low and high demand properties outlined in the briefing note and asked why low demand properties were being returned sooner.  He commented on the 1-bed properties and felt that they should be returned sooner to assist with the pressure on the homelessness budget and also was concerned that there had not been an improvement in the number of voids within the Deeside area in comparison to other district areas across the County.  He was also concerned about the high number of major voids given the work being undertaken as part of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) and questioned why so many properties required major improvement.


The Service Manager explained that the total figures where the number of properties at the current time and were not necessarily the same properties and said that he was happy to provide further information on the breakdown of the figures to Councillor Selvester following the meeting.  In relation to the poor condition of some properties, he advised that the team were working closely with housing management and that they were carrying out 100% pre-termination visits to ascertain the condition of properties.  Unfortunately, the WHQS works had not included plastering work which was the major work required on the void properties. 


In response to a question from Councillor Selvester around how many void properties had been empty for longer than six months, meaning a Council Tax cost to the Council, the Service Manager agreed to speak to the Service Manager – Revenues and Procurement and provide a response following the meeting. 


The Chair asked who determined whether a property was low demand or high demand.  The Service Manager explained that a property was classed as high demand where there was already an allocation for a tenant.  A property was classed as low demand if there wasn’t a tenant allocated which could be due to access issues.  Once a tenant had been allocated or improvements made to accessibility, the property would be moved to be classed as high demand.


Councillor David Evans supported the comments made by Councillor Selvester around the number of properties by district area and whilst acknowledging the response provided by the Service Manager, he felt that over the last six months the Committee would see a reduction in the number of void properties in the Deeside district area, but this was not the case.  He suggested that additional information on the number of new void properties within a district area and the number returned be provided in order to reassure Members that one area was not being prioritised over another.  He raised concern over the length of time being taken to bring void properties back into use.  He recognised that the overall number of void properties had reduced but was concerned that at the current rate it would take four years to reduce the number of properties completely.


The Service Manager directed the Committee to the total voids figure shown on the briefing note which showed that the overall total number was reducing.  He explained that some properties within each district area may require more complex work to bring back into use and that it would take some time for the contractors to get up to speed.  He was working closely with contractors and the feedback on the quality and standard of the work had been positive.  


            In response to comments made by Councillor Evans and Councillor Linda Thew around the pressure being put on tenants to leave a property quickly following a bereavement, and the level of rent to be paid, the Senior Manager (Housing, Welfare & Communities) advised that a family were given a two week notice to empty a property and that full rent continued to be due until the property had been emptied and returned to the Council.  She said that she would like to think that pressure was not put on families but understood that some families wanted to empty properties sooner rather than later due to the rent payments.


            Councillor Pam Banks asked if apprentices were employed within the service to assist with work on void properties.  She also thanked the Service Manager for his assistance within her ward.  The Service Manager advised that there were a number of apprentices within the DLO who were carrying work in minor void properties.  


            In response to a question from Councillor Bernie Attridge around the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) funding from Welsh Government (WG), the Service Manager explained that the TACP funding allocated to the Council last year allowed the Council to target properties that would not necessarily have been invested in.  The TACP funding also focussed on the acquisition of properties that would not necessarily have been invested in to assist with accommodation issues.


            Councillor Thew asked whether focus should be given to bringing back minor void properties in order to bring the overall figure down sooner and assist with the allocation of properties.  The Service Manager advised that minor void properties were being targeted.  Work also took place with the allocations team to ascertain which properties need to be returned very quickly.


            In response to a question from Councillor Geoff Collett around the figures presented in the briefing note, the Service Manager advised that 20 new properties had been received and 33 properties had been competed ready for allocation.  The reason this was not reflected in the total void properties figure was that not all of them had been let yet.  


Councillor Kevin Rush asked about the TBC properties as shown in the briefing note and asked if they were waiting to be inspected and whether the Council was short of inspectors.  He also asked if the Council were satisfied with the productive and quality of work from the DLO and Contractors.  The Service Manager said that there had been a dip in performance in the number of properties allocated as major or minor voids but explained that focus had been on scheduling works.  The Committee should see an improvement in this allocation figure with the right number of inspectors now in post.  He also said he was satisfied with the productivity of the DLO and that the quality and standard of work from the Contractors had been excellent. 


Following a request for additional information on the following areas to be included in future Void Management reports, it was agreed that consideration of the information included in future reports be undertaken during the meeting with the Chair and Vice-Chair around the FWP:-


·         Details of how many properties sent back from each district area;

·         Breakdown of transfers from Allocation Team to show what the transfers were for and where they transferred to;

·         Information on how properties are classed as low demand and high demand; and

·         Low demand properties, per ward.




That the update be noted.

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