Agenda item

Disabled Adaptations Policy


That the Committee support the updated Disabled Adaptations policy which covers both private homes and council stock properties.


The Senior Manager (Housing, Welfare & Communities) introduced the report which detailed the amendments to the policy that had been necessary to align adaptations for the private sector or with those for Local Authority Council housing.


The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 placed a mandatory duty on Local Authorities to provide disabled facilities grants (DFG’s) which was available for adapting or providing facilities for a disabled person in a dwelling.  The statutory limit for a DFG was set by the Welsh Government (WG) and was currently £36,000 per application within a five year period.


The Senior Manager outlined the numbers of medium and large adaptations for the private sector, along with a review of each year to explain the increases and decreases in the figures, as outlined in the report.


Councillor Dale Selvester in referring to the report asked if there was only one Occupational Therapist (OT) working within the Housing & Communities Portfolio.  Senior Manager (Housing, Welfare & Communities) explained that there was one OT within the portfolio but there was the possibility of engaging with OT’s within the Social Services portfolio.  She advised that this did not cause a delay in the delivery of adaptations.


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin asked if the Council re-claimed costs for adaptations in private properties if the person requiring the adaptation passed away.  She also asked how many OT’s worked within the Social Services portfolio.  The Senior Manager advised that the Council did not reclaim the costs but put a charge on the property, so that if a property was disposed of within a 10 year period, the Council would claim back costs to a limit on the sale of a property.  The Senior Manager said that she would confirm the number of OT’s within the Social Services portfolio with the Committee following the meeting. 


            Councillor Hilary McGuill commented on the improvements made to the service and the reduction in the number of days taken for adaptations, as outlined within the report.  She asked whether adaptations in Local Authority properties were means tested if a tenant moved from a property with an adaptation to a sheltered housing property and would the property be utilised by a tenants with a need for that particular adaptation.  The Senior Manager advised that there was no financial reclaim from Local Authority tenants as there would be no financial benefit to the tenant for the adaptation.  The Council would also look to re-allocate the property to someone who had the same adaptation requirement. 


            Councillor McGuill also asked if the service had close links with the North East Wales store based in Hawarden.  The Senior Manager explained that the store held minor adaptation equipment and that the adaptations service carried out medium and major adaptation works.  She explained that improvements had been made to reconditioning and reusing stock, such as stairlifts and advised that they were robustly tested before being reused to ensure their safety.  


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Hilary McGuill and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




That the Committee support the updated Disabled Adaptations policy which covered both private homes and council stock properties.

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