Agenda item

Public Spaces Protection Order Review (PSPO’s)


(a)       That Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s) be extended to cover dog control and alcohol control in Flintshire. 


The dog control PSPO will require a person in charge of a dog to:

(i)        Remove their dogs waste from all public places within Flintshire.

(ii)        Prohibit taking, or permitting the dog to enter or remain in:

- all areas within school grounds,

- the playing areas of marked sports pitches

- the playing areas of formal recreational areas including but not exclusively bowling greens and tennis courts

- fenced enclosed children’s play areas.

- the fenced footpath around The Rosie, Wepre Park, Connah’s Quay as marked on Map 1 (Appendix 3)

- Mold Memorial Park, Maes Bodlonfa, Mold as marked on Map 2 (Appendix 4)

(iii)       Keep their dogs on a lead within a cemetery.

(iv)      Have appropriate means on their person, at all times, to pick up their dogs’ waste from all public places in Flintshire.

(v)       Put their dog on a lead, when directed by an authorised officer, if the dog is loose and causing a nuisance or annoyance to any other person, bird, or animal


The alcohol control PSPO will impose the following prohibitions and/or requirements in public spaces in Flintshire, at all times


(i)        Any person who, without reasonable excuse, continues drinking

intoxicating liquor in a public area within the Restricted Area

when asked to stop by an authorised officer, commits an offence.

(ii)        Any person who whilst in a public area within the Restricted Area, without reasonable excuse, fails to surrender any intoxicating liquor in their possession when asked to do so by an authorised officer, commits an offence.

(iii).      An authorised officer who imposes a requirement under Article

4(a) and/or 4(b) must tell the person that failing, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the prohibition and/or requirement is an offence.



(b)       For information, but subject to final Cabinet determination, the agreed Public Space Protection Orders covering dog control and alcohol control commences on 29October 2023 following a notice period and publicity of the upcoming order.



The Community Business and Protection Manager introduced the report to review the current PSPO’s prior to consideration by Cabinet.  She  provided background information and referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report. 


The Trading Standards Investigations & Community Safety Manager and Team Manager (Administration and Enforcement Streetscene & Transportation)gave a joint presentation which covered the following points:


  • maps of new access
  • result of consultation for dog control PSPO
  • current PSPO’s - alcohol control
  • result of consultation for alcohol PSPO
  • enforcement of dog control PSPO’s
  • next steps


Councillor Richard Lloyd commented on the need for improved signage and enforcement in some areas.


Councillor Mike Peers commented on the difficulties that may be experienced by elderly or disabled people with poor mobility in removing their dog’s waste and said consideration needed to be given to how best to assist with the problem. Officers responded to the comments raised by Councillor Peers regarding the response given to the consultation exercise on page 72 and 73 of the report.


Councillor Andrew Parkhurst also asked if exceptions would be made for people who used guide dogs or other assistance dogs for support.




Councillor Andrew Parkhurst asked why the public consultation didn’t allow for the public to make comments as this was a consultation, not a referendum and the comments that some members of the public had emailed separately provided, in his view, a greater insight than just looking at the percentages of responses to the various questions.  Officers accepted the point and said that future PSPO consultations would include a facility to add comments.  The Chair asked that all County Council consultations allow for comments to be made”.


Officers agreed to respond to Councillor Mike Allport following the meeting on a specific matter he raised concerning an area of land in the Higher Kinnerton Ward.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Bill Crease and seconded by Councillor Mike Peers.  When put to the vote the recommendations were carried.




(a)       That Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s) be extended to cover dog control and alcohol control in Flintshire. 


The dog control PSPO will require a person in charge of a dog to:

(i)        Remove their dogs waste from all public places within Flintshire.

(ii)        Prohibit taking, or permitting the dog to enter or remain in:

- all areas within school grounds,

- the playing areas of marked sports pitches

- the playing areas of formal recreational areas including but not exclusively bowling greens and tennis courts

- fenced enclosed children’s play areas.

- the fenced footpath around The Rosie, Wepre Park, Connah’s Quay as marked on Map 1 (Appendix 3)

- Mold Memorial Park, Maes Bodlonfa, Mold as marked on Map 2 (Appendix 4)

(iii)       Keep their dogs on a lead within a cemetery.

(iv)      Have appropriate means on their person, at all times, to pick up their dogs’ waste from all public places in Flintshire.

(v)       Put their dog on a lead, when directed by an authorised officer, if the dog is loose and causing a nuisance or annoyance to any other person, bird, or animal


The alcohol control PSPO will impose the following prohibitions and/or requirements in public spaces in Flintshire, at all times


(i)        Any person who, without reasonable excuse, continues drinking

intoxicating liquor in a public area within the Restricted Area

when asked to stop by an authorised officer, commits an offence.

(ii)        Any person who whilst in a public area within the Restricted Area, without reasonable excuse, fails to surrender any intoxicating liquor in their possession when asked to do so by an authorised officer, commits an offence.

(iii).      An authorised officer who imposes a requirement under Article

4(a) and/or 4(b) must tell the person that failing, without reasonable excuse, to comply with the prohibition and/or requirement is an offence.



(b)       For information, but subject to final Cabinet determination, the agreed Public Space Protection Orders covering dog control and alcohol control commences on 29October 2023 following a notice period and publicity of the upcoming order.


Supporting documents: