Agenda item
Performance of the WHQS Capital Programme - Assurance Report
- Meeting of Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 10.00 am (Item 41.)
- View the background to item 41.
That the Capital Investment Programme, in its next phase of compliance as it moves toward the updated Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS 2023) and its requirements, be noted.
The Service Manager – Housing Assets introduced a report to provide an update on the Council’s delivery of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) through the Capital Investment Programme.
The Council were successful in delivering the WHQS programme of works to all Council stock, a major capital investment of over £100m and were now in the maintenance phase of the programme, delivering further investment works to
those components within properties where required. The report detailed what had been delivered to date and outlined the focus of the next phase of the Councils WHQS investment programme.
The Service Manager – Housing Assets reported that the Council achieved compliance with WHQS in December 2021. Having achieved compliance with WHQS it was important that the Council ensured the standard was maintained and investment was planned accordingly. There was an ongoing investment programme to maintain the standard and enable the scheduled replacement of components when needed.
An updated version of the existing WHQS guidance was due to go live in late 2023 and the Council would need to prepare itself for the changes that would be required to remain compliant.
Councillor Ted Palmer commented on roofs and windows needed to be replaced and asked if this work should have been carried out as part of the previous scheme and asked if there was a plan to replace them as soon as possible. The Service Manager - Housing Assets outlined the number of factors on why all roofs and windows were not replaced prior to 2020 which included, not all roofs and windows needing to be replaced which had been identified as part of the stock condition survey. He outlined the need to protect any Council investment and said that if components could be repaired to prolong their lifespan, then this would be more efficient.
Councillor Palmer asked how repairing roofs and windows sat within the need to ensure that they were energy efficient. The Service Manager - Housing Assets advised that a whole approach was now being taken to ensure that homes were as thermally efficient as possible with the technology available.
Councillor David Evans referred to the statistic that for the last 3 years the Council had been 100% compliant with the WHQS and asked whether the Service Manager was finding that there was a reduction in the number of void properties requiring major works due to the work carried out to meet the WHQS. The Service Manager - Housing Assets confirmed that this was the case and that more void properties were being returned and found to be WHQS compliant. The major investment works required were around electrical and plastering works which were disruptive to tenants when they were in the homes. In the main, properties were being returned in better condition due to the investment over the last 5 years.
Councillor Sean Bibby (Cabinet Member for Housing & Regeneration) reiterated the comments of the Service Manager around the major works in void properties being electrical and plastering works. He said that he was encouraged to see within the report the percentage of local labour and apprentices which he felt was a considerable achievement.
In response to a question from Councillor Selvester around acceptable fails and whether the Housing Management Team engage with tenants which in turn would assist with the work being undertaken on void properties, the Service Manager - Housing Assets advised that WG would only allow an acceptable fail on a secondary item, which was a non health and safety item. If a tenant refused works on a secondary item, the property would still need to be accessed to ensure that the item was safe. The Housing Management Team engaged early with tenants to ensure access was provided.
Councillor Selvester asked if a list of acceptable fails could be provided to the Committee. The Service Manager - Housing Assets agreed to provide information on the number of acceptable fails to the Committee following the meeting.
The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Rosetta Dolphin and seconded by Councillor Ted Palmer.
That the Capital Investment Programme, in its next phase of compliance as it moves toward the updated Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS 2023) and its requirements, be noted.
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