Agenda item

Budget 2024/25 – Stage 2


(a) That the Housing and Communities portfolio cost pressures be noted; and


(b) That the Housing and Communities portfolio options to reduce budgets be noted.


The Strategic Finance Manager – Financial Strategy and Insurance introduced the report to review and comment on the budget pressures and cost reductions under the remit of the Committee.  She gave a presentation on the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Setting 2024/25 which covered the following points:


  • purpose and background
  • additional budget requirements of the Council 2024/25
  • additional budget requirement – ongoing risks
  • overall position after initial solutions
  • summary and conclusions
  • next steps for the budget setting process 2024/25
  • budget process Stage 2
  • budget process Stage 3 – (Final)


The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) gave a presentation on the Cost Pressures which covered the following points:


  • Homelessness demand
  • Benefits – Council Tax Reduction Scheme.


Councillor David Evans in referring to the report commented that whilst there was a proposed budget reduction option for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, there were no options to reduce the cost pressures associated with the Homelessness demand.  He suggested that since the Minister at UK Government had said that there were no plans to house migrants at the Northop Hall Country House Hotel, could consideration be given to contacting them to house people presenting as homeless in order to reduce the budget pressure.  The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) explained that there would be a report outlining options to reduce the Homelessness cost pressures presented to the next meeting of the Committee.  A number of avenues were being explored, including how to make better use of the current housing stock and all options would be presented to the Committee as part of the report.


In response to the suggestion made by Councillor Evans, Councillor Linda Thew advised the Committee that the Northop Hall Country House Hotel only had 37 hotel rooms and that the proposals to house migrants included additional containers being placed in the grounds of the hotel.  She also explained that the hotel was currently continuing to function as a hotel and said that she would not want to see people presenting as homeless placed in housing containers.  Councillor Evans explained that he was not suggesting people being placed in housing containers.


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin supported the comments made by Councillor Evans and said that the Council must consider all options in order to reduce the cost pressure on homelessness, and that all Members must be aware of properties within their own ward that could be considered for use.  She also referred to the cost pressures associated with Out of County Placements and asked if information on the Out of County placements for the previous year could be provided.  The Strategic Finance Manager suggested that this information be circulated following the meeting.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson sought clarification on whether discussions had been held between the Council and owners of the Northop Hall Country House Hotel.  He was concerned around possible liability for the hotel and whether this would fall to the Council if people presenting as homeless were housed there and also the cost to do so.  He felt that any proposals should be considered by the Committee ahead of any decisions being made.


The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention advised that the Council was not in any discussion with the owners of the Hotel at this present time.


Councillor Dale Selvester asked if the Council had considered all options in relation to alternative accommodation for people presenting as homeless.  He suggested accommodation in Broughton & Bretton, which was close to amenities and had been used previously and asked if public houses with accommodation or Airbnb’s would be considered.  The Chair asked if information on the accommodation/properties used to house homeless people could be provided to the Committee. 


The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention said that this information could be provided to the Committee following the meeting but explained that it was confidential due to the vulnerability of the people being housed and would not want this information in the public domain.  In response to the questions from Councillor Selvester, he advised that all avenues for accommodation were being exhausted but explained that the Council were not just looking for bed spaces but for good quality accommodation.  The report to be presented to the Committee at the next meeting will outline all options being considered to ease the budget pressure and also how to help people exit homelessness.


The Chair said that whilst the Welsh Government Policy to ensure all people presenting as homeless were given accommodation was to be applauded, there needed to be financial resources provided in order to implement this Policy.  She commented that careful consideration needed to be given to re-designating sheltered housing stock to assist with this budget pressure as this could have a negative impact on communities.


Councillor Selvester reiterated his previous comments and said that public houses cost less than hotels due to not having to pay for additional amenities that were not required and asked if the Council had approached any owners of public houses across Flintshire.  The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention asked that if Councillor Selvester had any contacts to contact him and he would follow them up.


Councillor Pam Banks asked whether consideration was given to housing people at Caravan Sites.  The Service Manager – Housing & Prevention said that this considered but the Council often found that caravan accommodation was booked intermittently, and it was important to consider continuity of placement as well as cost.


Councillor Evans welcomed the comments around the support provided to people presenting as homeless in finding a forever home which he felt was supported by all Members.  He referred to the agenda item on void properties and the need to complete work on void properties quicker in order to assist with reducing the cost pressures around homelessness.


The Cabinet Member for Finance, Inclusion, Resilient Communities including Social Value and Procurement asked if the Committee felt that the £2.7m overspend could be dealt with.  He explained that the scale of the issues being faced were significant and asked for the Committee’s views on the budget reduction options.  The Chair said that it was difficult for the Committee to provide feedback as there were no options to reduce the homelessness budget pressure and was concerned that the proposed budget reduction option for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme created a budget pressure for next year. 


            Councillor Dolphin, in referring to the recommendations outlined within the report, did not feel that the Committee had been given enough information and moved that the cost pressures and options to reduce budgets be noted.  This was seconded by Councillor Ted Palmer.




(a)       That the Housing and Communities portfolio cost pressures be noted; and


(b)       That the Housing and Communities portfolio options to reduce budgets be noted.

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