Agenda item
Budget 2024/25 – Stage 2
- Meeting of Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 10.00 am (Item 34.)
- View the background to item 34.
a) That the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio’s cost pressures be noted;
(b) That the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted;
(c) That the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio’s cost pressures be noted;
(d) That the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted;
(e) That the Committee’s comments on the proposed efficiencies be explored further.
The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report to review and comment on the budget pressures and cost reductions under the remit of the Committee. He gave a presentation on the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Setting 2024/25 which covered the following points:
- purpose and background
- additional budget requirements of the Council 2024/25
- additional budget requirement – ongoing risks
- overall position after initial solutions
- summary and conclusions
- next steps for the budget setting process 2024/25
- budget process Stage 2
- budget process Stage 3 – (Final)
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) gave a presentation on the Planning, Environment and Economy Cost Pressures which covered the following points:
- summary Planning, Environment & Economy cost pressures
- Planning, Environment & Economy cost pressures
- Planning, Environment & Economy budget reductions
- the 2024/25 budget challenge – our approach
- summary Planning, Environment & Economy budget reductions
- Planning, Environment & Economy Budget reductions – use of balances and reserves
Councillor Mike Peers queried a discrepancy in the total cost figures for cost pressures which were shown as £0.191k and £0.139k. He also raised questions on the removal of the budget for private water supplies, the budget reductions and the proposal to increase fees, and sought clarification on efficiencies. The Chief Officer and Corporate Finance Manager responded to the comments and questions raised.
The Chief Officer responded to the further questions and comments raised by Councillors Dan Rose, Richard Lloyd, and David Coggins-Gogan concerning private water supplies, cost pressures relating to HMO’s, balances, reserves, and building regulations.and developers.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) gave a presentation on the Streetscene and Transportation Cost Pressures which covered the following points:
- summary Streetscene & Transportation cost pressures
- Streetscene & Transportation cost pressures
- Streetscene & Transportation budget reductions
- the 2024/25 budget challenge – our approach
- summary Streetscene & Transportation - budget reductions
- Streetscene & Transportation - budget reductions
Councillor Gladys Healey referred to the review of Hazardous Transport routes and expressed concerns citing the routes in Hope and Penyffordd as examples. The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) advised that the hazardous routes were last considered in 2016/17 and the proposals and actions were being put forward for consideration to the Committee prior to decision making or approval.
Councillor Mike Peers expressed concerns regarding the cost pressures listed on page 25, section 1.10, of the report. He also referred to the budget reductions outlined in section 1.11, page 26, and asked a number of questions and made suggestions for improvement. The Chief Officer gave a detailed response to the points and comments raised by Councillor Peers.
Councillor David Coggins-Cogan raised further questions and concerns around the cost pressures listed in section 1.10. He also referred to the budget reductions outlined in section 1.11 and made suggestions for improvements. The Chief Officer and Highways Network Manager responded to the points raised.
Councillor Dan Rose commented on the potential to generate an income from business recycling. He also raised questions regarding the replacement of Mayrise and asked if this would be considered by a Task and Finish Group. He commented on the budget reductions in section 1.11 and made suggestions for improvements.
Councillor Chris Dolphin suggested that a review of the ‘black bin’ collection service be included on the proposals for budget reductions in Table 4, section 1.11 of the report. The Chief Officer explained that the ‘black bin’ service had not been included on Table 4 as it was not an efficiency.
The Chair raised questions around the Mayrise replacement and asked if collaboration was taking place with other local authorities. He also commented on the proposals for budget reductions in Table 4 of the report.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor David Coggins-Cogan and seconded by Councillor Ray Wakelam.
a) That the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio’s cost pressures be noted;
(b) That the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted;
(c) That the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio’s cost pressures be noted;
(d) That the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted;
(e) That the Committee’s comments on the proposed efficiencies be explored further.
Supporting documents: