Agenda item
Void Management
- Meeting of Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 10.00 am (Item 42.)
- View the background to item 42.
That the update be noted.
The Service Manager – Housing Assets presented the key figures and key activities against the void action plan, as outlined in the briefing note.
He outlined the number of new voids and those which had been completed and reported that 28 properties had been completed ready for allocation. He also outlined the following, as presented in the briefing note:-
· The number of major voids
· Total overall number of void properties which had reduced to 232
· The performance of the current contractors
· Top reasons for terminations
Councillor Dale Selvester commented on the number of void properties completed by capital district area and said that he had been asked to ask on behalf of a resident within his ward whether more properties had been completed in the Mold, Holywell and Flint areas due to the Members representing those areas. The Service Manager – Housing Assets said that he could categorically confirm that properties were not priorities by ward but by whether those properties were more desirable, required less work or that the Housing Management Team had tenants waiting for the property. He said that he would like Members to focus on the total number of void properties as presented in the briefing note and said that he would be happy to meet with any Members individually to discuss the number of voids properties within their ward, outside of the meeting.
Councillor David Evans asked if officers had an internal target in terms of the number of void properties to be reduced and asked if an aim for 100 or less by October 2024 was felt to be realistic. He also commented on the allocated budget for the year of £4.6m and asked how many voids that would bring back into use and was the budget sufficient to complete works on all of the current void properties. The Service Manager – Housing Assets said that there wasn’t currently a target and that this would be considered once an accurate assessment of all contractor’s performance had taken place in order to assess their work allocation. In relation to the budget allocated to void properties the Council was able to access grant funding and another bid had been submitted to access further grant funding. The budget was monitored monthly to ensure adequate funding to bring voids back into use and was set based on the average cost of void properties over the last 10 years.
In response to comments made by the Chair around hard to let properties, the Service Manager – Housing Assets agreed to provide a list of ‘hard to let’ properties across the County to the Committee following the meeting.
Councillor Ted Palmer asked whether consideration was being given to prioritising 1-bed void priorities which would assist people currently in temporary accommodation. He also asked what areas were included in the capital district area of Holywell. The Service Manager – Housing Assets advised that the majority of 1-bed properties were within sheltered accommodation and would be considered as part of the sheltered housing review. He also advised that the district area of Holywell, listed in the briefing note, included Mostyn, Caerwys, Whitford and Brynford.
In response to a question from the announcement of the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) grant funding, the Service Manager – Housing Assets explained that this had been delayed by WG and an announcement on whether the Council had been successful in receiving additional grant funding was expected at any time.
Councillor Sean Bibby (Cabinet Member for Housing & Regeneration) responded to the comments made by Members and reiterated the comments made by the Service Manager around how work on void properties was prioritised and commented on the professionalism of officers and senior Members. He said that the housing stock built up by the Council over a number of years did not now meet demand but he was confident that the right framework was in place in order to significant improvements to be seen.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin moved that the update be noted. This was seconded by Councillor Pam Banks.
That the update be noted.
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