Agenda item

Bailey Hill Mold

To provide an update on the development of the facilities at Bailey Hill in Mold.



That the Committee noted the successful completion of development at Bailey Hill in Mold.


In presenting the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) explained that this was an update report outlining the works which had taken place at Bailey Hill in Mold.


            The Service Manager (Enterprise and Regeneration) commented that the report marked the end of a development period and set out the work which had been carried out on this Council owned green space.  Information was provided on the partnership between the County Council, Mold Town Council, the Friends of Bailey Hill Group and Aura. Point 1.04 of the report provided information on the £1.7m external funding received by the project with point 1.05 highlighting the works which were undertaken.  A successful programme of events had also taken place with schools and other organisations to raise awareness and ensure that the site was used. It was explained that Cadw and archaeologists were involved throughout these works which were unfortunately delayed because of Covid.  The report contained information on the archaeological items and human remains which were found together with evidence of the castle walls which had delayed the project and affected its design and it was explained how the these were managed and supported. The play area had been relocated because of the items found on the site and was moved to the outer bailey and was due to be completed soon. Moving forward the emphasis was on maintaining the site and improving biodiversity to maintain the green status for the site and an explanation was provided on how this was being managed. An overview of the different organisations using the site was given and the community work supporting it.


            The Chair commented that he had visited the site saying it was beautiful and  was an exceptional area within the town.


In response to a question from Councillor David Coggins on the resource implications the Service Manager said he was unable to provide that information because the centre had not been operational for a full year. It was part funded by National Lottery and funders but a better indication would be available in March this year from Mold Town Council.


In response to a question from Councillor Mike Peers on the resource implications at point 2.01 the Service Manager explained that part year figures had been obtained from Mold Town Council which highlighted a deficit. It was difficult to charge a higher rate of income for the small building and work would be undertaken with the Town Council to keep the deficits to the minimum whilst providing that community resource.


Responding to a question regarding the Green Flag status from Councillor Mike Peers the Service Manager explained that this was a kite marked status for green spaces, parks predominately.  It was explained that the site had achieved three out of the seven years, with four years to go. The criteria involved managing of the park effectively as regards litter and dog waste and include safety management and community involvement. The feedback received  had been very positive.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) commented that this would be brought to committee once the full year’s figures were available.  The increase in energy bill had also impacted this. He encouraged members to visit and to hire the facility as it is very beautiful.


In response to questions from Councillor Richard Lloyd, the Service Manager  firstly referred to accessibility saying the site had been redesigned as far as possible. Ramped access had been installed to the centre and inner and outer baileys but not to the motte that the castle sat on which was not accessible because of the steps.  With regard to the costs the site generates income from the residential accommodation and small income from the groups booking the downstairs space.


In response a question from Councillor Bernie Attridge on any shortfall being consumed by the Environment and Regeneration budget, the Service Manager explained that all costs were borne by Mold Town Council as they held a lease from the County Council to run the visitor centre and residential accommodation. He understood the concerns of Members of the committee and suggested that an update come back to committee later in the year with a business plan and proposals for the centre which could be reviewed.


The Chair suggested that this be brought back in early summer and could be coordinated with a site visit.


Councillor Mike Peers moved the recommendations in the report and this was seconded by Councillor David Coggins Cogan.




That the Committee noted the successful completion of development at Bailey Hill in Mold.

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