Agenda item

Notice of Motion

This item is to receive any Notices of Motion.  One has been received and is attached to the agenda.


That the Notice of Motion with the addition be received and supported.


The following Notice of Motion had been submitted:


Israel-Gaza “  - Proposed by Councillor Parkhurst – Seconded by Councillor Swash

“Council condemns the awful terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel on 7th October.

Council is horrified by the scenes of violence in the weeks and days since, in particular the devastating humanitarian situation in Gaza where over 10,000 Palestinians have already been killed and hostages are still being held by Hamas. 

Council supports Israel’s right to protect its citizens, in line with international law, which means targeting terrorists, not civilians, and ensuring that innocent Palestinians do not pay the price for Hamas’ actions.

Council expresses its concern at the UK Government’s failure to attempt to ensure that the Israeli government and its military adhere to the requirements of international law.

This Council believes:

A military solution alone will not achieve peace for Israelis or Palestinians.


The values of equality, democracy, human rights and the international rule of law are of fundamental importance.


All combatants must act in accordance with the rules of war and international humanitarian law.


The remaining hostages held by Hamas must be released.


Essential supplies of water, food, medicine and electricity must be restored to Gaza, and the passage of aid into Gaza must be facilitated.

That it is wrong to blame Jews for the actions of the Israeli Government or Palestinians for the actions of Hamas.

Council accordingly resolves to ask the UK Government to call for an immediate ceasefire in order to:   

a.      Facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza  

b.      Provide an opportunity to realise the release of the remaining hostages  

c.      Allow for an intensive period of diplomacy to realise a political solution, aimed at achieving a lasting peace.

Council notes with deep concern the severe reverberations of this crisis in the UK, with Jewish, Muslim and Palestinian communities all fearing and grieving, and condemns the rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia since 7 October.

Council calls upon the residents of Flintshire, community leaders and public figures to act responsibly and work to bring communities together at this sensitive time.

Council calls upon Welsh Government to set up a Homes for Palestinians scheme in anticipation of and to facilitate the temporary housing of refugees from the conflict.”


In speaking to the Notice of Motion, Councillor Parkhurst commented on the horrors committed by Hamas, the appalling effect of Israel’s subsequent military bombardment and the number of innocent people killed, injured or displaced in Gaza. He reported on the numbers of children, women, medics, UN officials,  journalists, together with generations of families which had been killed. Half of the infrastructure in Gaza had been destroyed. Flintshire as a local authority had a duty to uphold good relations in communities so all residents could go about their lives without fear or discrimination. As a County of Sanctuary Flintshire had a responsibility to open its heart and home when the remaining residents of Gaza who wanted to leave were able to do so. He commended the Notice of Motion to Council and asked Members to support it.


            Councillor Richard Jones moved an amendment to the Notice of Motion which was to include the following;-


d.    That all costs in relation to the Homes for Palestine Scheme must be provided by Welsh Government in perpetuity whilst costs remain and that this Scheme must not affect the housing resource provision made available to local residents in Flintshire in a negative way.


This was seconded by Councillor Attridge.


Following a question on a point of order, Councillor Swash formally seconded Councillor Parkhurst’s Notice of Motion.


Councillor Parkhurst confirmed he accepted the amendment. Councillor Swash, as the seconder, did not accept the amendment.


Councillor Attridge requested a recorded vote on the amendment and the requisite 10 Members stood in support.


The following Members voted for the amendment:

Dennis Hutchinson, Mike Allport, Bernie Attridge, Marion Bateman, Sean Bibby, Chris Bithell, Gillian Brockley, Helen Brown, Teresa Carberry, Bill Crease,  

Rob Davies, Adele Davies Cooke, Chris Dolphin, Rosetta Dolphin, Mared Eastwood, Dave Evans, Chrissy Gee, Ian Hodge, Andy Hughes, Dave Hughes, Christine Jones, Richard Jones, Simon Jones, Dave Mackie,  Roz Mansell, Allan Marshall,

Hilary McGuill, Debbie Owen, Ted Palmer, Andrew Parkhurst, Mike Peers,

David Richardson, Jason Shallcross, Linda Thew, Ant Turton, Roy Wakelam,

Arnold Woolley.


The following Members voted against the amendment:

Alasdair Ibbotson, Dan Rose, Sam Swash


The following Members abstained:

Mel Buckley, Tina Claydon, Geoff Collett, Paul Cunningham, Paul Johnson,

Richard Lloyd, Gina Maddison, Ryan McKeown, Michelle Perfect, Vicky Perfect,

Carolyn Preece, Kevin Rush,


37 Members voted for the amendment, 3 voted against with 12 abstentions.




That the Notice of Motion with the addition be received and supported.

Supporting documents: