Agenda item
Progress report on the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme 2 (SHARP2) and the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP)
- Meeting of Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 13th December, 2023 10.00 am (Item 54.)
- View the background to item 54.
That the progress on delivery of the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme 2, Social Housing Grant, Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme and ‘Buy Backs’ be noted.
The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager provided a report on the delivery of the Councils strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme 2 (SHARP2). The report provided an update on the following:-
- Delivery of the Council’s Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme 2 (SHARP2) programme;
- Changes to the Social Housing Grant (SHG) programme since the report to Overview and Scrutiny (September 2023) and Cabinet (October 2023);
- Welsh Government Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) allocation of £1.6 million; and
- Progress on the acquisition of additional homes.
The programme was currently at its first stage awaiting Welsh Government (WG) approval. There was a 3-stage programme for approval, but the Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager was pleased to report that the feedback they had received was currently positive.
The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager added that there were several updates to the programme including additional costs to Registered Social Landlords for larger contracts, where regrettably some of the contractors had gone into liquidation causing the contacts to be re-priced. WG had supported the additional costs for the Northern Gateway and Mynydd Isa which would represent over 150 new homes.
The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager also reported on the WG Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) aimed at trying to get properties back into use as quickly as possible, mainly targeting accommodation for homeless persons or persons in temporary accommodation. The Council had been successful in obtaining funding of around £1.5 million, which would be targeted at bringing 28 properties back into use.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin said that she was pleased to see proposals for Greenfield but advised that it should be listed as ‘School Lane’ and not ‘School Road’. The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager said that he would make the necessary amendment.
Councillor Dolphin also asked when consultation would be carried out with Town and Community Councils. The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager advised that consultation would commence in the new year with formal consultation packs being prepared and provided.
Councillor Linda Thew asked if it was realistic for the 28 houses to be completed by the end of March 2024. The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager said that a number of acquisitions had already been completed and was confident that the 28 houses would be completed. .
Councillor Dale Selvester asked what the status was with regards to the Queensferry Garage Site review. The Service Manager (Housing and Assets) advised that all garage sites had been surveyed and assessed. He added that a report was submitted to the Committee earlier last year showing which garage sites were prioritised for demolition first. All options were being considered, including the creation of additional parking spaces and the creation of green space.
Councillor Dolphin asked if Members could receive a copy of the results of the garage site review within their own wards. The Service Manager (Housing and Assets) that an update report on the garage site review would be added to the Forward Work Programme for consideration at a future meeting.
The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Dale Selvester and seconded by Councillor David Evans.
That the progress on delivery of the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme 2, Social Housing Grant, Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme and ‘Buy Backs’ be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme 2 (SHARP2) under the Welsh Government (WG) Social Housing Grant (SHG) programme and the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP) by WG, item 54. PDF 121 KB
- Appendix 1 - Standards for Homes Delivered under the Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP), TACP Objectives, item 54. PDF 82 KB
- Appendix 2 - How SHG, RCG and TACP can be used, item 54. PDF 52 KB
- Appendix 3 - Welsh Government TACP 2023-2024 - Flintshire Priority Schemes Confirmation e-mail advice dated 13.10.2023, item 54. PDF 62 KB
- Appendix 3A - Details of schemes approved for TACP funding, item 54. PDF 33 KB