Agenda item
Car Parking Provision – Council owned properties
- Meeting of Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 10th January, 2024 10.00 am (Item 63.)
- View the background to item 63.
That the Committee support the proposed actions relating to the feasibility of a car parking permit scheme, following consultation with Contract Holders and Local Members.
The Service Manager – Housing Assets introduced a report which focussed on the works which had been completed and continued to be delivered through the Council’s Environmental Programme, which included the provision of car parking.
The Service Manager informed the Committee on how the schemes were assessed and discussed the scoring matrix of how they determined where works would be prioritised and completed. The car parking matrix was used to score all those that were feasible and could go ahead in line with the budget.
He reported that a number of Members had put in several requests for schemes, including projects that required permits to park. He added that several complexes had been identified which were being considered but added that they must also comply with Streetscene Policy. Engagement would be carried out with all Members as to which schemes could be moved forward.
The Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and the Regional Transport Strategy and Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration both outlined the need to carefully consider the implementation of car parking permit schemes due to the current pressure on the Enforcement Team.
In response to comments made by Councillor Rosetta Dolphin around Member consultation, the Service Manager said that the majority of requests for parking schemes were made by Members and that Local Members would be consulted prior to a decision being made on a scheme.
In response to a question from Councillor Linda Thew around car parking schemes linking to the demolition of garage sites, the Service Manager explained that they do have a similar scheme in place for such sites which forms part of a separate programme. Such sites were considered for parking areas/new builds/wilding areas. He asked Councillor Thew to share information on sites she had identified.
Councillor David Evans commented on the need for more off road parking for residents but raised concern around parking permits and the fairness of how they would be allocated with it benefitting some and not others and that it could make neighbours compete for the space. He added that there would always be an inequality to those who had driveways and could park for free and those who don’t have a driveway and were required to pay for a permit. For the reasons he outlined, he said that he was not in support a permit parking scheme.
The Service Manager advise that car parking permits would be for Council properties only, with sheltered housing accommodation currently under review. The scheme would not include private residents. The Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration commented on the challenges around providing adequate car parking spaces with families having multiple vehicles.
Councillor Kevin Rush asked for information on the average cost for providing a driveway. The Service Manager advised that the average cost was around £2,000-£3,000 per driveway. Budget dictated how many driveways could be completed within a year and he re-iterated that driveways were very costly to provide, which was why other options were considered.
The Chair asked if some of the proposed car parking schemes could be incorporated within the sheltered housing review. The Service Manager advised that some would be picked up as part of the Welsh Housing Quality Standards 2 programme.
Following questions around future schemes, it was agreed that information on the priority of schemes be shared with Members of the Committee.
Councillor Ted Palmer suggested that the recommendation as outlined within the report be amended to reflect that the Committee supported the feasibility of a car parking scheme in principle following consultation with Contract Holders and Local Members.
The Chair suggested that the recommendation outlined within the report be amended to read:-
· That the Committee support the proposed actions relating to the feasibility of a car parking permit scheme, following consultation with Contract Holders and Local Members.
The above recommendation was moved by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Kevin Rush.
That the Committee support the proposed actions relating to the feasibility of a car parking permit scheme, following consultation with Contract Holders and Local Members.
Supporting documents:
Car Parking Provision – Council owned properties, item 63.
Appendix 1 – Scoring Matrix, item 63.
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