Agenda item
Flintshire Local Housing Strategy 2012 - 2017
- Meeting of Flintshire County Council, Tuesday, 29th January, 2013 2.00 pm (Item 112.)
- View the background to item 112.
That the Local Housing Strategy be adopted.
The Director of Community Services introduced a report seeking County Council support to adopt the Local Housing Strategy.
The Welsh National Housing Strategy 2010: Improving Lives and Communities – Homes in Wales had three objectives and Flintshire’s strategy had adopted these as it’s, which were shown below:-
- Providing more housing, more choice
- Improve homes and communities
- Improve housing-related services and support
Details of the objectives of each of the three strategies and how they would be met were highlighted within the report.
Councillor H. Brown, Cabinet Member for Housing thanked the Members of the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee for their input in preparing the Local Housing Strategy and proposed that the County Council adopt the Local Housing Strategy. Councillor J.B. Attridge seconded the proposal.
Councillor N.R. Steele-Mortimer proposed an amendment to the proposal that an independent body be invited to hold a workshop for all Members on the impacts of the Welfare Reform. He said that there had been misinformation given to Council tenants in Flintshire but confirmed that this information had not been provided by the Council. He said that a workshop would assist Members in addressing questions raised by Council tenants. This amendment was seconded by Councillor W.O. Thomas.
Councillor J.B. Attridge, in speaking to the amendment, reported that all Group Leaders had been invited to site on the Welfare Reform Board and that information considered during meetings of the Board should be cascaded down to all Members. Home visits had been carried out to all Council tenants in order to explain to them how the Welfare Reform would affect them personally. Councillor H. Brown added that a number of workshops on Welfare Reform had been held for all Members and that a briefing note on the proposed bedroom tax had been circulated to all Members before the meeting.
A number of Members confirmed that they had received a great deal of information on Welfare Reform. Councillor C.A. Ellis confirmed that the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee had requested that Paul Neave attend a future meeting of the Committee to address concerns of Members on how Welfare Reform could impact disabled people, carers and foster parents. All Members were welcome to attend and observe this discussion.
Councillor R. Dolphin confirmed that housing officers had visited the Council tenants within her ward but raised concern that the creation of 740 new homes as outlined within the report would not be sufficient to meet the needs of Council tenants affected by Welfare Reform.
Councillor A.M. Halford spoke in support of the amendments and commented on a number of questions which had been raised during a meeting of the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee which had been difficult to answer. The amendment was seeking a further workshop to ensure that Members were fully aware of the impact for all aspects of the Welfare Reform. Councillor H.T. Isherwood sought clarification on whether a person born before the 1 October, 1995 would be exempt from the bedroom tax as would disabled persons requiring full time carers.
The Chief Executive explained that the Welfare Reform was a major issue for the Council and full debate would continue to be undertaken with all Members. He said that responses would be provided to all Members on specific questions relating to Welfare Reform following the meeting.
When put to the vote, the amendment was lost.
That the Local Housing Strategy be adopted.
Supporting documents:
- Flintshire Local Housing Strategy 2012 - 2017, item 112. PDF 61 KB
- Enc. 1 for Flintshire Local Housing Strategy 2012 - 2017, item 112. PDF 568 KB