Agenda item

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy


That the Committee supports the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy including the proposed changes.


The Neighbourhood Housing Manager (North) introduced the report on the proposed Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy which highlighted the key policy issues and changes, and potential challenges faced by the Council.  She explained the background and range of definitions covering ASB together with the responsibility of the Housing service in helping to tackle the problem via a joint agency approach.  In addition to enhancements to the policy, a more detailed proforma had been developed to assess the level of risk and response for each case and an out of hours witness support service was due to be introduced.


In welcoming the proposed improvements, Councillor W.P. Shotton said that some residents seemed to be unaware of the Council’s ASB officers and asked if the Neighbourhood Housing Manager would be willing to attend Town and Community Council meetings to raise awareness of the policy changes.  The Neighbourhood Housing Manager welcomed this suggestion and explained that the out of hours service was to function outside working hours from 6pm until 9am, together with weekends and bank holidays.  The Director of Community Services stated that he would include the item on the County Forum agenda to broaden consultation with Town and Community Council representatives.


Councillor A.I. Dunbar welcomed the Council’s proactive approach to tackling drug-related ASB and commented on the length of time taken to gather evidence to support action and the effect on nearby residents.  The Cabinet Member for Housing said that the out of hours service would assist the Police in gathering evidence.


Councillor S. Jones said that the policy would not be fully effective as it could not apply to private households.  The Neighbourhood Housing Manager pointed out that recent legislation extended Councils’ powers so that if an incident of ASB affected any aspect of the housing management function, ie a Council tenant, action could still be taken.  In any cases of ASB, information would be shared with the Joint Action Team and Police.


Councillor R. Dolphin felt that it was unfair for ASB perpetrators to receive kitchen replacements etc in line with other Council tenants.  Councillor R. Davies commented on the need to fully enforce the policy and to use sensitivity when allocating properties.  The Neighbourhood Housing Manager explained that an action planning approach would be taken as noted in the report and that a range of tools such as mediation or environmental improvements could be utilised to help resolve situations.


Councillor A.M. Halford raised queries on involvement from the Police and local press coverage on the eviction of Council tenants due to rent arrears and ASB.  The Neighbourhood Housing Manager advised that the Joint Action Group included Police representation and that more informal arrangements, such as a Police Officer stationed at County Hall, were in place.  In addition, Housing officers were to be involved in the training of Police Community Support Officers.  There was an expectation to try to resolve an issue before any court action and for a range of remedies to be used for lower level persistent issues, however the incidents which had been publicised had involved a number of other breaches in addition to those reported.  The Neighbourhood Housing Manager agreed to provide information on the number of evictions and in responding to a further question, confirmed that a list of former tenants with whom there had been ASB issues, was held by the Council.  This information was not currently shared with other landlords and advice would need to be obtained on whether this could be done without legal challenge.


Councillor P.J. Curtis made a suggestion for a poster to be displayed in the Flintshire Connects officers to raise awareness of ASB officers.


Following a comment from the Chairman on the need for Council tenants to maintain their own gardens, the Neighbourhood Housing Manager said that this was included in the policy.


Councillor H.G. Roberts called for a previously held ‘annual clean up and collection day’ to be reinstated in his ward.  The Cabinet Member for Housing pointed out that only some areas had instigated this in the past, however there was now a range of recycling facilities available to households.  Councillors Shotton and Bragg spoke about the availability of waste lorries during environmental visual audits (EVAs).




That the Committee supports the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy including the proposed changes.

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