Agenda item
Adults Safeguarding Regional Proposal
- Meeting of Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 19th September, 2013 3.00 pm (Item 20.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 20.
- View the background to item 20.
(a) That the Committee support this proposed regional model to change the current arrangements for adult safeguarding across North Wales implementing the preferred option, a two-tiered North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board;
(b) That further detail be provided to the Committee on the financial implications; and
(c) That supporting documents from the regional North Wales workshop held on 25 January 2013 be circulated to the Committee.
The Head of Adult Services introduced a report providing information on future proposed Regional Safeguarding structures in response to requirements in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill and Sustainable Social Services: A Framework for Action. In line with Part 7 of the Bill, the development of structures had resulted in four possible options, the preferred option being a two-tier approach for a North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board. The reasons for favouring this option were outlined in the report and Members were advised that the proposal was also being submitted to the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committees of the other North Wales authorities.
In response to comments made by Councillor A.I. Dunbar on the need to separate safeguarding practice of children and adults, the Director of Community Services said that there were differing views on this and that there was a commitment to ensure that both were as safe, secure and responsive as possible. He added that the proposal was to keep the two areas separate on an interim basis with potential learning on both sides.
Councillor D.I. Mackie asked for more detail on the engagement of elected Members which was mentioned in the appendix to the report. The Director explained that this was a North Wales document and referred to the appropriate Member role on safeguarding boards.
The Chair spoke about the need to ensure political involvement and accountability and said that as a former Executive Member of Children’s and Adult’s Services, she had pursued a place on the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board in that capacity.
The Cabinet Member for Social Services added that she was the elected Member representative on both Children’s and Adult’s safeguarding boards, along with peers from other authorities.
Following concerns raised by Councillor M. Bateman on the preferred option, the Head of Adult Services said that retaining a local structure helped to maintain a level of control and that joint meetings could help to reduce bureaucracy.
In response to queries raised by Councillor A.C. Dunbobbin on the size of bid made to the Regional Collaboration Fund and how much existing regional capacity would be used, the Director agreed to provide this information. He added that the bid was a 5-figure sum annually for three years to be used to strengthen workforce elements of safeguarding.
Councillor W.P. Shotton commented on the two-tiered option strengthening the collaboration agenda in North Wales and said that the safeguarding of children was paramount and needed robust arrangements in light of a recent national case.
Officers noted Councillor V. Gay’s request for supporting documents from the regional North Wales workshop at the start of the year to be shared with the Committee.
On being put to the vote, resolution (a) was carried with seven for, two against and two abstentions. Councillor I. Smith wished it to be recorded that he had abstained from voting.
(a) That the Committee support this proposed regional model to change the current arrangements for adult safeguarding across North Wales implementing the preferred option, a two-tiered North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board;
(b) That further detail be provided to the Committee on the financial implications; and
(c) That supporting documents from the regional North Wales workshop held on 25 January 2013 be circulated to the Committee.
Supporting documents:
- Adults Safeguarding Regional Proposal, item 20. PDF 31 KB
- Enc. 1 for Adults Safeguarding Regional Proposal, item 20. PDF 175 KB