Agenda item

Full Application - Construction of a New Retail Unit and Associated External Works at Mold Ambulance Station, Bypass Road, Mold (050381)


            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the applicant entering into either a Section 106 Obligation, Unilateral Undertaking or the making of an advance payment to provide the following:-


  • The payment of £2500 to provide for the cost of a Traffic Regulation Order and the associated signage along Lead Mills and at the junction of St. David’s Lane and Lead Mills.


If the obligation pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as outlined above) is not completed, a unilateral undertaking not received, or advance payment not made within six months of the date of the Committee resolution, the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to REFUSE the application. 



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.


                        The Development Manager detailed the background to the report and explained that the proposal was for a single storey retail unit with parking and delivery areas.  An amendment to the scheme to incorporate a pitched roof had been agreed following discussion with the applicant.  The main issues for consideration were the principle of development and highway issues.  He referred to policies S3 and S6 which the application complied with and said that the principle of retail development was acceptable given its location within the defined town centre and given the fact that the proposal was the relocation of an existing retail store within the town.  The steel roof would be coated to match the church buildings in the area and landscaping would be carried out.  The Coal Authority had no objections to the site subject to a condition requiring ground investigations being undertaken and even though it was in a C1 flood plain, the risk of flooding was low.  It was proposed that the existing access would be moved and would be designed so as to allow traffic into the site from a southerly direction only and exiting to the north to prevent traffic from turning across the highway. 


                        The Senior Engineer - Highways Development Control confirmed that Highways did not have any objections to the application and that the traffic proposals mentioned by the Development Manager would ensure that there were no waiting vehicles on Leadmills.  


            Councillor Chris Bithell proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.  He raised concern about the proposed signage for traffic and said that it needed to be enforced.  He had asked whether an island could be erected in the middle of Leadmills to ensure that traffic did not cross the highway but he had been advised that there was insufficient room in the carriageway to do so.  He welcomed keeping the retail store in the town and said that shoppers would be able to access it on foot.  Councillor Owen Thomas concurred and felt that signage would not prevent vehicles turning right out of the site.  The Senior Engineer - Highways Development Control confirmed that the proposed arrangement would force traffic to turn left onto Leadmills.      




            That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the applicant entering into either a Section 106 Obligation, Unilateral Undertaking or the making of an advance payment to provide the following:-


  • The payment of £2500 to provide for the cost of a Traffic Regulation Order and the associated signage along Lead Mills and at the junction of St. David’s Lane and Lead Mills.


If the obligation pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as outlined above) is not completed, a unilateral undertaking not received, or advance payment not made within six months of the date of the Committee resolution, the Head of Planning be given delegated authority to REFUSE the application. 


Supporting documents: