Agenda item


To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Joint Lifelong Learning Overview & Scrutiny and Social and Health Care Overview & Scrutiny meeting held on 11 June 2013 and the minutes of the Social and Health Care Overview & Scrutiny meeting held on 20 June 2013. 



(a)       That, subject to one amendment to the minutes of 20 June 2013, both set of minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman;


(b)       That the Facilitator provide a response to the Committee on the request for the Welsh Government to increase the Pupil Premium;


(c)        That the Facilitator pursue the suggestion for mandatory training on Corporate Parenting for school governors; and


(d)       That the Facilitator liaise with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board representatives and provide a response to the Committee to clarify the issue on contracts with GP practices in England.


The minutes of the meetings of the Joint Lifelong Learning and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 11 June 2013 and the Social & Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 20 June 2013 had been circulated with the agenda.


Matters Arising - 11 June 2013


Minute 4: Educational Attainment of Looked After Children - Councillor H.J. McGuill sought an update on the request for the Welsh Government to increase the Pupil Premium.  The Facilitator would pursue a response from the Housing & Learning Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator who had been dealing with actions from this meeting.


Minute 5: Corporate Parenting Activity Update - The Facilitator advised that the request for mandatory Corporate Parenting training had been considered at the recent meeting of the Democratic Services Committee.  As there was no statutory duty for this training to become mandatory, the Committee had resolved that Group Leaders encourage Members’ attendance at a seminar to be facilitated by an appropriate officer.  Councillor McGuill felt that the requirement for Members of Planning Committee to have attended at least two-thirds of training should also apply to those on the Social & Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  The Facilitator explained the Council’s statutory requirement for those on the Planning and Audit Committees to undertake relevant training however there were no such powers for Corporate Parenting.  Members were in agreement with the suggestion made by Councillor V. Gay that this could be addressed by the creation of a mandatory training module on Corporate Parenting for school governors.


Accuracy - 20 June 2013


Minute 4: Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) - On an example given of a patient experiencing a lengthy waiting time in an ambulance outside a hospital, the Chair asked that her comments be included to reflect that this could have been as a result of the ambulance being unable to discharge the patient due to insufficient capacity in the hospital.


Matters Arising - 20 June 2013


Minute 4: BCUHB - Councillor Gay queried the statement made by Ms. Clare Jones that there were currently no contracts with English GP practices for patients living in Wales, as she was aware that the Lache practice in Cheshire had special dispensations to take in patients from across the border.  The Facilitator agreed to clarify this with BCUHB and provide a response.  She went on to confirm that responses to issues raised at the meeting had been circulated to the Committee.


The Chair said that she had been informed that work on the Primary Healthcare Centre in Buckley was due to start at the end of September 2013.  She and Councillor McGuill reported on the forthcoming removal of community health services from Flint hospital prior to its closure on 2 September 2013.


Minute 6: Quarterly Performance Reporting - It was confirmed that the report on looked after children across Wales had been circulated to the Committee.


Minute 8: Forward Work Programme - In relation to an issue raised on the Emergency Duty Team, Councillor C. Hinds said that she had been advised that this was now resolved.




(a)       That, subject to one amendment to the minutes of 20 June 2013, both set of minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman;


(b)       That the Facilitator provide a response to the Committee on the request for the Welsh Government to increase the Pupil Premium;


(c)        That the Facilitator pursue the suggestion for mandatory training on Corporate Parenting for school governors; and


(d)       That the Facilitator liaise with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board representatives and provide a response to the Committee to clarify the issue on contracts with GP practices in England.

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