Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of a Two Storey Extension Including Balcony to Existing Barn at Deer Lodge, Cymau (050430)


            That planning permission be refused for the reasons detailed in the report of the Head of Planning. 



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.


                        The officer detailed the background to the report and explained that the application had been deferred by Committee on 17 April 2013 in order to negotiate an amended scheme to reduce the scale of the proposed extension.  An amended scheme had been submitted but it was still considered to be out of scale and character with the original dwelling and the recommendation was for refusal of the application. 


                        The applicant spoke in support of the application and explained some of the amendments that had been made to the scheme which included the removal of the balcony to the rear of the extension and the removal of the dormer windows.  He stated that the changes had reduced the overall increase from the original footprint to 50% instead of the 96% increase proposed in the original application.  Some of the features had been removed to create a more traditional finish and the length of the proposed extension had reduced from 10 metres to 8 metres.  Mr. Price said that one objection had been received but that this had been withdrawn following submission of the amended plans provided that the drive parking area was finished and that the building was finished in stone and tyrollean.  He felt that the new proposal complied with policy and was not an overdevelopment of the site. 


             Councillor Owen Thomas proposed approval of the application, against officer recommendation, which was duly seconded.  He spoke of the negotiations between the applicant and officers and said that the applicant had made the requested amendments to the proposals.  He felt that it should be approved as it was not affecting anybody and that approval was the best outcome.  Councillor Mike Peers spoke of the site visit which had been undertaken and said that the applicant had made amendments to the scheme.  He said that 50% increase in footprint was a guideline figure and that the proposed extension complied with the guideline and was therefore acceptable.  Councillor Alison Halford concurred with the comments made and said that the applicant had worked hard to make the changes to the scheme and that the application should be approved. 


Councillor Chris Bithell said that the property was in the countryside and it had been given permission to extend due to its agricultural or historic merit.  He said that the proposals resulted in an increase in floorspace of 77% and that far exceeded what was permitted in the policy.  He said that Deer Lodge had already been extended and that the other buildings in the Ffynnon Farm complex had not been extended or significantly changed.  He felt that the Committee had no option but to refuse the application.  Councillor Gareth Roberts concurred with the comments of Councillor Bithell and spoke of the impact of the scale and design of the proposals. 


            In response to the comments made, the Planning Strategy Manager said that policies were in place for a reason and spoke of the guidance about change of use and alterations to agricultural buildings.   


                        Councillor Billy Mullin requested a recorded vote and was supported by the requisite five Members. 


                        The officer reminded Members that the scheme had been amended but the new proposals did not comply with policy. 


                        In summing up, Councillor Thomas said that each application should be taken on its own merits and that he felt that this application was reasonable and well planned. 


On being put to the vote, planning permission was refused by 9 votes to 8 with 1 abstention.  The voting being as follows:-


                        FOR – GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION


Councillors: Jim Falshaw, Veronica Gay, Alison Halford, Ron Hampson, Ray Hughes, Mike Peers, Carolyn Thomas and Owen Thomas




Councillors: Marion Bateman, Chris Bithell, David Cox, Ian Dunbar, Christine Jones, Billy Mullin, Neville Phillips, Gareth Roberts and David Wisinger




Councillor Brian Lloyd  




            That planning permission be refused for the reasons detailed in the report of the Head of Planning. 


Supporting documents: