Agenda item
Forward Work Programme
- Meeting of Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 24th October, 2013 10.00 am (Item 31.)
- View the background to item 31.
(a) That the report be noted;
(b) That the Environment and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator and the Chair consider the inclusion of the suggested items at future meetings of the Committee;
(c) That the issue or risk assessments for those undertaking agile working be referred to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
The Environment and Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.
The Facilitator reminded Members of the following:-
- Corporate Parenting and Public Law Outline seminar scheduled for 25 October 2013
- Effective Overview & Scrutiny training on 31 October and 1 November 2013
- The Welfare Reform workshop scheduled for 1pm on Friday, 8 November 2013
She detailed the items scheduled for consideration at the 25 November 2013 meeting but advised that the CSSIW Annual Letter may be moved to the January 2014 meeting if the CSSIW officers were unable to attend in November 2013. The budget meeting was due to take place on 5 December 2013 with the next ordinary meeting taking place on 9 January 2014. The Facilitator detailed the items for consideration at the meetings scheduled upto March 2014. She also advised that an update on Home Enhanced Care would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.
Following a request for any other items that Members wanted to discuss, the following were suggested:-
- Update on rota visits
- Public health including oral hygiene
- Information on whether the people with family members with bowel cancer were being targeted to receive the testing kit
- Whether risk assessments for those working at home were undertaken – the Chair indicated that this issue would be referred to Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee
- Problems with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and cross border services that were changed without giving prior notice to service users
In response to the information on bowel cancer, the Director of Community Services said that the issue could be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee but added that he would ask Public Health colleagues for an update.
The Director then provided an update to Members on the meeting which had been held the previous evening with the new Chairman and the acting Chief Executive of BCUHB. The meeting was to allow stakeholders to give their views and to allow engagement with local authorities and third sector partners. The Director felt that it was a positive meeting.
On the issue of rota visits, Councillor Dave Mackie said that he had undertaken a number of visits with some being at the same location; he queried whether there were other addresses that could be visited. The Director explained that rota visits only applied to in-house facilities but that the facilities visited would be re-considered.
The Facilitator advised that BCUHB had in the past been invited to the Committee meetings but that this practice had stopped pending the meeting with the new Chairman of BCUHB. As this had now taken place, an invitation could be extended to BCUHB to attend future meetings of the Committee.
(a) That the report be noted;
(b) That the Environment and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator and the Chair consider the inclusion of the suggested items at future meetings of the Committee;
(c) That the issue or risk assessments for those undertaking agile working be referred to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Supporting documents:
- Social & Health Care Forward Work Programme, item 31. PDF 25 KB
- Enc. 1 for Social & Health Care Forward Work Programme, item 31. PDF 56 KB