Agenda item
Forward Work Programme
- Meeting of Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20, Wednesday, 22nd January, 2014 10.15 am (Item 58.)
- View the background to item 58.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be changed to reflect the discussion which took place at the meeting; and
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair be given authority to alter the Forward Work Programme between meetings.
The Member Engagement Manager introduced a report to consider the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.
He explained that a report on the North Wales Residual Waste Partnership was due to be considered at the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 26 February 2014. The Director of Environment said that a meeting of the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project Joint Committee was due to be held the following week and until this meeting had taken place, he could not confirm whether a report would be available to submit to the meeting of this Committee scheduled for 26 February 2014. He suggested that if the report was to be submitted, then it should be the only item for consideration on the agenda for that meeting and that there would be a wide range of information that would be available for Members to view prior to attending the meeting. The report on Streetscene – next steps would not be available due to the forthcoming organisational restructuring and the report on C Roads could be deferred to a future meeting.
The Chairman suggested that an additional meeting be scheduled for April 2014 to ensure that items were not unduly delayed and that the Member Engagement Manager discuss this and the possibility of moving items from the 26 February 2014 meeting with the Chair and Vice Chair.
Councillor Alex Aldridge spoke of the significant challenge ahead on the issue of waste and also commented on the suggestion in the Williams Report to merge Flintshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC). Councillor Nancy Matthews sought further information about the amount of debt WCBC had for the PFI (Private Finance Initiative) and what affect this had on the project. She felt that this issue needed to be sorted before any decision was made on merging Councils and added that there was a need to be prepared that this very important project might not happen because of it. On the issue of the Williams Review, the Director of Environment said that political discussions would take place at all levels and until these had been undertaken, the Authority could only deal with the information before it. He commented on the Inter Authority Agreement (IAA2) which talked of the potential for a local government review and said that there would be the opportunity to look at the document as the process progressed.
In response to a question from Councillor Matthews, the Member Engagement Manager said that an item on Deeside Enterprise Zone could be included in the Forward Work Programme. He also advised that the following had been suggested by the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee as items for consideration by this Committee:-
- Issue of changing legislation on local authorities responding to flood relief
- Responsibilities of a third Dee crossing, and its maintenance
Councillor Veronica Gay suggested that Natural Resources Wales be asked to provide a presentation on their flood maintenance programme. The Chairman indicated that this could form part of the item which was showing in the ‘items to be scheduled’ section. The Member Engagement Manager suggested that the Facilitator liaise with the Chair and Vice-Chair to be authorised to vary the programme between meetings. Following a discussion on flood strategies for evacuation of residents, the Chairman suggested that a workshop on the subject be held for Members.
It had also been suggested earlier in the meeting that a further report on Tourism in the County be submitted to a future meeting.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be changed to reflect the discussion which took place at the meeting; and
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair be given authority to alter the Forward Work Programme between meetings.
Supporting documents:
- Environment Forward Work Programme, item 58. PDF 24 KB
- Enc. 1 for Environment Forward Work Programme, item 58. PDF 41 KB