Agenda item

Improvement Plan Quarterly Monitoring


As detailed in the recommendations.


The Chief Executive introduced the Quarter 3 Improvement Plan monitoring reports for the period October to December 2013.


The monitoring reports gave an explanation of the progress being made towards the delivery of the impacts set out in the Improvement Plan.  The narrative was supported by measures and / or milestones which evidenced achievement.  In addition, there was an assessment of the strategic risks and the level to which they were being controlled.


A total of 24 sub-priority reports had been completed which were summarised in the report.


Appendix 1 to the report provided a summary against each Improvement Plan priority of the Red, Amber and Green (RAG) status for each high level activity, measure and risk with copies of the more detailed quarter 3 Improvement Plan monitoring reports being available on request. 


The Improvement Priorities were monitored by the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee according to the priority area of interest.




            (a)       That the performance, risks and actions be reviewed; and


            (b)       That the following be noted:


·        The levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of key activities which seek to deliver the impacts of the Improvement Plan;

·        The performance against improvement plan measures and the predicted level of performance for year end; and

·        The current (net) risk levels and targeted risk levels for the risks identified in the Improvement Plan and the arrangements to control them

Supporting documents: