Agenda item

CSSIW Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2012/13


            (a)       That the CSSIW’s evaluation of performance be noted; and


(b)       That an Action Plan progress monitoring report be submitted to the Committee in six months time to ensure recommendations are implemented.



The Director of Community Services introduced the report which provided an overview of CSSIW’s evaluation of social care in Flintshire.  He advised that the report gave a positive view of social services in Flintshire and recognised the progress made by the Authority in the provision of Adult Services and Children’s Services.


The Director delivered a presentation on the key areas of progress for the year 2012/13 in Flintshire’s Social Services and areas for future improvement.  The main points of the presentation were:


Adults Services


·        As a result of the Authority’s emphasis on prevention, fewer people are supported in residential care and more are able to lead independent lives

·        The reablement service had been successful in helping people regain independence with the majority of users not requiring ongoing services

·        Adult safeguarding should be strengthened and the Authority had taken action to improve management of risk

·        There are ongoing issues in improving community health services with the Authority reporting that the complex decision making processes with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) had not always leant themselves to joint working for shared outcomes


Children’s Services


  • Performance against a significant range of national indicators remained amongst the best in Wales
  • The Authority provided an effective response to incoming referrals and performed well in fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to child protection and looked after children
  • The Authority should consider the potential to improve placement stability
  • The Authority had developed a range of preventative services and provided good support to young people leaving care and access to accommodation had improved
  • The Authority’s annual performance report had been restructured to reflect the key components of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill and would better lend itself to public scrutiny against the key areas of leadership, commissioning, improvement, voice for citizens, safeguarding and integrating services
  • The report recognised that the current economic climate, welfare changes and demographic pressures presented significant challenges for the future and was increasingly realistic about how to prepare for new demands and shifting public expectations


Potential Risks


  • Sustainability of medium term financial planning
  • Continuing ability to influence locality focused strategic planning with the BCUHB
  • Securing sufficiently robust outcomes in adult safeguarding


The Chairman invited Members to raise questions. 


Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the risk identified within the report regarding locally focused strategic planning with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB).  She referred to the ongoing situation concerning Buckley Medical Health Centre and asked the Director of Community Services what work was being undertaken to focus strategic planning with BCUHB.


The Director of Community Services acknowledged the points raised by Councillor McGuill.  He commented that more positive things had happened over the last six months and referred to the work of the Strategic Partnership Group which had met on three occasions in the last six months with the next meeting scheduled for January 2014.  He commented that there had been small improvements but there was still a lot more to be done.


Councillor Dave Mackie congratulated the Cabinet Member for Social Services, the Director, and his team, on the positive outcome of the CSSIW annual review and evaluation of performance for 2012/13.  Councillor Marion Bateman also expressed her thanks to Officers.  The Cabinet Member for Social Services referred to the positive outcomes and the many strengths and areas where sound progress had been delivered in the face of diminished resources.  


The Chair advised that an update on the Home Enhanced Care Services had been requested for the meeting of the Committee scheduled in January 2014.


Members thanked the Director for the presentation and welcomed the positive report.




            (a)       That the CSSIW’s evaluation of performance be noted; and


(b)       That an Action Plan progress monitoring report be submitted to the Committee in six months time to ensure recommendations are implemented.


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