Agenda item

Workforce Information Quarter 3 October - December 2013


That the Workforce Information for quarter three for 2013/14 be noted.     



The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development introduced a report to provide Members with an update for the third quarter 2013/14 for the following:-


·        Establishment

·        Headcount

·        Agency

·        Early Retirements (First and third quarter reports only)

·        Turnover

·        Diversity

·        Absence


On the issue of Agency placements, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development indicated that the number of placements for December had reduced from 184 in 2012 to 150 in 2013 which was a significant reduction and this was also reflected in the total hours worked reported in paragraph 3.05.  The overall saving was reducing due to an reduction in the volume of agency workers used.  Of the ten early retirements for the period July to December 2013, eight had been on the grounds of redundancy which would result in a recurring saving once upfront costs had been paid out.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development welcomed the overall reduction in absence compared to the same period last year and said that it was forecast that the figure for the whole year would be 10.03 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) days which was a significant improvement on 2012/13.  There was also an improving trend of employees achieving 100% attendance and full details for each of the Directorates were reported.  An electronic self service system was being piloted in Streetscene for recording sickness absence which would be implemented across the organisation.  The category ‘other’ had also been removed from the information completed to report absence but the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that it was still appearing in the workforce information data as it was used as a holding category for instances where the reason for absence had not been confirmed. 


Councillor Clive Carver asked about the iTrent system reporting an increased in vacancies of 135 which did not reflect the current position.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development responded that an exercise had been undertaken which had identified that the number of vacancies was less than 135 and she advised that she would send information on the figures to the Committee following the meeting. 


Councillor Carver also referred to the 100% attendance of 72% for quarter 3 2013/14 and raised concern that the figures suggested that the average absence for those not attending 100% of the time was approximately six or seven weeks.  Councillor Carver asked for drilled down statistics on the employees who had been absent.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that it was her preference that the information continued to be reported as it was now as it allowed the tracking of progress and benchmarking with other quarters.  The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management welcomed the downward trend in absences and the increase in 100% attendance when compared to the previous year. 


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that for future reports, she could consider including information on short and longer term absences.  Following a further question from Councillor Carver, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development commented on the introduction of the Physiotherapy Service within Streetscene to deal with muscular skeletal problems which was to be rolled out to other targeted areas in the future; an update would be provided to a future meeting. 


In referring to the reported figures for early retirements, Councillor Arnold Woolley sought assurance that none of those who left the employment of the authority would be taken back on in alternative roles or consultancy posts.  He also queried the increase of 15 FTE when the headcount had shown a reduction of 19% over recent years.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development responded that the headcount figures did not include relief workers but added that the total FTE (full time equivalent) figure should not have increased.  She advised that she would check the information and provide a response following the meeting.  On the issue of those leaving the employment of the Council and returning in a different role or as a consultant, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development commented that this would be avoided wherever possible.  There was the opportunity to consider including further controls in the Council’s Early Retirement Policy which was currently under review.  The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management also indicated that this issue had been raised by Cabinet Members and that during the restructure of the authority, sufficient replacements would be put in place to ensure that previous employees did not return in an alternative or consultancy role.   


Councillor Ian Dunbar welcomed the report and the reduction in absence figures.  He asked for details on which areas the reductions in agency workers had taken place and queried the final sentence in the section on Lifelong Learning about an increase in absence not being an unusual trend for quarter 3.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development responded that through reviewing the placements and other options to differently resource requirements in the Directorates of Community Services and Environment, the numbers of agency workers required in these areas had reduced.  She provided details of ongoing work in Streetscene to maximise the flexibility of the workforce with new Part 3 terms and conditions to make the service more effective which would also significantly reduce the Agency numbers.  On the increase in quarter 3, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that this was a seasonal trend given the higher number of absences relating to colds, flu and infections.  Councillor Dunbar also queried whether absences for stress were still showing a trend.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that it was in the top three reasons for employee absence and she spoke of the work with managers to identify the issue and target it more effectively. 


Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the continued reduction in agency workers and said that it was right to recognise and praise the employees who achieved 100% attendance but raised concern about the blip in iTrent on the vacancy figures.  In response the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that iTrent was only as good as the information held on it and added that it was important to maintain the quality of the data.  Councillor Shotton also queried whether any favourable results had been identified during the Physiotherapy pilot scheme within Streetscene.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that overall the scheme had been very successful but added that it had been difficult to identify trends because in the past, not all musculo-skeletal related absences had been accurately recorded as there had been an over-reliance on categorising absences as ‘other’. 


In response to a comment from Councillor Ron Hampson about employee absences being at a higher rate than the private sector, the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development concurred that the figures did not compare well with the private sector and the organisation needed to continue to manage attendance as a priority.  Councillor Hampson also queried whether employee absence would be taken into account during any decisions about compulsory redundancy.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development confirmed that the selection criteria in the redundancy policy included attendance, performance and skills & experience and that this had been agreed with the Trade Unions.  




That the Workforce Information for quarter three for 2013/14 be noted.     


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