Agenda item
- Meeting of Joint Housing & Social & Health Care OSC - Expired 07/05/15, Thursday, 6th February, 2014 2.00 pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
That the update of local and regional telecare and telehealth developments be noted.
The Head of Adults Services introduced the report to provide Members with an update regarding the:-
· progress of the regional call monitoring arrangements (Galw Gofal)
· current level and nature of Telecare provision within Flintshire
· regional progress regarding the roll out of telehealth and current partnership working in the context of a call for bids towards national fund monies
He detailed the background to the report and referred to the Telecare roll out at Llwynegrin Lodge in 2006 and the temporary Telecare Officer post which had now become permanent. He provided details on Galw Gofal, which was hosted by Conwy County Borough Council, including the volume of calls for Flintshire and the numbers of compliments and complaints received. In 2013/14 Galw Gofal had piloted small projects in order for the partnership to consider the benefits of widening the remit from call monitoring. The partnership considered the cost benefit of any more permanent developments and how these linked with the regional priorities of the North Wales Regional Telecare Board. The Head of Adults Services also provided information on the number of telecare installations that had taken place across Flintshire and details of the regional telecare and telehealth working and the work which was ongoing in this area which included bids that were to be submitted.
Councillor Alison Halford asked for details on the cost of the service as this was not reported and comment on the concern raised when the service moved from Flint to Conwy. The Head of Adults Services confirmed that he would circulate information on the costs to Members.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin said that a family member who used the service and not experienced any disruption and no difference to the service even though it had moved from Flint.
Councillor Hilary McGuill asked who funded the Telecare service for residents in Llys Jasmine and the Intake and Reablement Service Manager responded that it was funded partly by Supporting People and partly by base budget and health funding. Councillor McGuill also referred to the move of the service from Flint and the concerns raised when it initially moved and asked whether an electronic mapping service was used to identify where residents were when they contacted the service. The Intake and Reablement Service Manager said that difficulties had been experienced early in the transfer to Conwy but explained that the service had been exceeding the standards set. The Community Support Services Manager explained that the technology was in place but that she would ensure that it was being used. The Head of Housing said that there had been some initial problems but that she was not aware of any issues in the last 18 months.
In response to a question from Councillor Marion Bateman the Intake and Reablement Service Manager said that family members were contacted in the event of those using the service being deaf or blind. The Chair asked whether a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the telecare equipment being installed in user’s homes. The Head of Adults Services confirmed that a risk assessment would be undertaken.
That the update of local and regional telecare and telehealth developments be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Telecare, item 9. PDF 37 KB
- Enc. 1 for Telecare, item 9. PDF 115 KB
- Enc. 2 for Telecare, item 9. PDF 56 KB