Agenda item

Extra Care Provision in Flintshire


(a)       That the progress made in developing further extra care provision in Flintshire be noted;


(b)       That the Cabinet Member, the officers, the partners be congratulated on the excellent development and facilities provided at Llys Jasmine. 



The Director of Community Services introduced a report to provide Members with a brief update regarding:-


·        Current Extra Care provision within Flintshire

·        Detail regarding the most recent development in Mold at Llys Jasmine

·        Potential future developments


There were 61 apartments at Llys Jasmine which included 15 dementia units and the facility had proved popular since it opened in October 2013.  The scheme had been nominated for a national UK award for the development of the year and a ceremony was due to be held in April 2014 in London.  Llys Jasmine had been developed in partnership with Wales & West Housing Association and lessons had been learnt from the provision of the facility at Llys Eleanor in Shotton.  The Director of Community Services explained a mix of needs was catered for and the definition of those needs was reported in appendix 1.  It was proposed that two future schemes would be provided in Flint and Holywell but a business case would be required for the proposals due to the schemes costing approximately £7m each with no grant funding being provided.  It was proposed that the future developments would include apartments for younger adults with a physical and/or learning disability in addition to provision for older people and older people with a diagnosis of dementia. 


            Councillor David Mackie suggested that the recommendation be altered to include congratulations to those involved in the scheme and that the thanks of the Committee be passed onto the Cabinet Member, the officers, the partners and the management for their involvement and hard work.  Councillor Rosetta Dolphin welcomed the provision of the facility which she felt provided a greater level of care than if residents lived in their own homes.  She also asked how the scheme could be extended to provide further provision in the county.  Councillor Gareth Roberts suggested sites for the proposed facility in Holywell and referred to Flintshire County Council owned land in the town centre which would become available following the provision of a new high school. 


            Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the cost of building the facility.  She queried whether there was a waiting list and also asked for information on the costs of the scheme and the resident’s costs.  The Intake and Reablement Service Manager advised that residents were assessed and offered accommodation based on need and that she would provide details of the numbers on the waiting list to Members.  The Director of Community Services confirmed that a one bedroom apartment cost £125 per week with a service charge of £59 and a two bedroom was £140 per week with a service charge of £60.  The Intake and Reablement Service Manager explained that these costs included heating and water and one meal per day and that there would also be additional care costs depending on the care package chosen by the resident.  She advised that information could be provided and forwarded to Members. 


            In response to a question from Councillor Hilary Isherwood, the Intake and Reablement Service Manager advised that the majority of residents were from the Mold and Buckley area.  The Head of Housing advised that she would provide information on the number of tenancies that had been freed up because the tenants had moved to Llys Eleanor or Llys Jasmine.   


Councillor Isherwood welcomed the provision of the facility but felt that it was important to have an infrastructure in place to provide transport, for family members who were unable to drive or did not have a car, to visit their relatives in the facilities. 


The Intake and Reablement Service Manager advised that only those over the age of 60 could apply for an apartment but the Director of Community Services indicated that it was anticipated that age limits would be considered more flexibly in the development of future proposals. 


Councillor McGuill asked what had been done to ensure that there was not an influx of older patients re-registering with local doctors to allow them greater access to the scheme as had happened when Llys Eleanor opened.  The Intake and Reablement Service Manager said that the same issue had not occurred at Llys Jasmine. 


The Director of Community Services acknowledged the comments made about the good value of the care provision and the need to provide further developments in the County and said that the Council had a priority to make it happen.  It made a difference to people’s lives and was an affordable way for the Council to provide the required services. 




(a)       That the progress made in developing further extra care provision in Flintshire be noted;


(b)       That the Cabinet Member, the officers, the partners be congratulated on the excellent development and facilities provided at Llys Jasmine. 


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