Agenda item

Examination Results 2013

To consider a report analysing the examination results for 2013.


(a)       That the analysis of examination results be noted;


(b)       That a letter be sent to congratulate the schools that had obtained results above the national average;


(c)        That Mr Huw Jones be asked to provide information to the next meeting about delivery of RE at HolywellHigh School; and


(d)       That the Challenge Advisor raise the issue of the reduction of pupils taking the short course with Tudor Thomas at the next WASACRE meeting. 



The Challenge Advisor presented an analysis of examination results for Religious Studies at GCSE (Full Course and Short Course) and Advanced levels for consideration.  He provided full details of the results for schools where pupils had taken the full course and said that the increase of 165 from 2012 to 2013 should be celebrated.   


Councillor Chris Bithell welcomed the report and the increases in pupils taking Religious Studies and suggested that a letter be sent to the schools to congratulate them on their success.  In response to a query from Councillor Hilary Isherwood about why some schools had not submitted any pupils for the full course, Mr. Ron Keating said that some schools did not offer the full course but offered the short course as a way to deliver RE which was a statutory requirement.  He also spoke of the problems that may occur when pupils were choosing their options due to clashes with other subjects and in commenting on variations in schools, said that at St. Richard Gwyn Catholic High School, all pupils were entered for the full course. 


            The Challenge Advisor detailed the results of the short course in Religious Studies and it was highlighted that numbers taking the course had reduced from 2012 to 2013.  He said that Tudor Thomas was to submit a presentation to WASACRE on examination results and that he could express the concerns about the short course data on behalf of Flintshire SACRE. 



            Councillor Bithell welcomed the results and the overall transformation in RE and gave thanks to Gavin Craigen, the former RE Advisor, who had been instrumental in launching the examination for the short course.  He highlighted the entry for St. Richard Gwyn High School and congratulated the school for the results that had been achieved. 


            Mr. Keating raised concern that no pupils had undertaken the short or full course for 2012 or 2013 from Holywell High School and asked for further information on why this had occurred.  He also queried whether pupils were being given the opportunity to take the course and whether the school was meeting its statutory obligation to deliver RE.  From the data provided, the Challenge Advisor indicated that pupils at Holywell High School had last undertaken the full course in 2006, the short course in 2010 and the A level course in 2007.  Councillor Hilary Isherwood spoke about the Welsh Baccalaureate and Mr. Keating said that it would provide an opportunity to deliver part of the unit about faith through the RE departments but added that it was important to ensure that it was not classed as a replacement for RE.  A discussion ensued about the statutory requirement to deliver RE and the importance of encouraging good standards in RE.  Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer suggested that a report be submitted to the next meeting on the issue at Holywell High School.  Following a discussion the Challenge Advisor suggested that Mr. Huw Jones, Head of RE at Holywell High School and a member of SACRE, be asked to provide information about the situation at the next meeting of SACRE. 


            In referring to the short course data, the Challenge Advisor said that the information had not been available on the Learning Wales website and that he had been advised that the results were not published but could be made available on request.  He suggested that a letter be sent to the Welsh Government to ask that the short course data be published along with the full course data.  Councillor Chris Bithell suggested that a copy of the letter also be sent to the Welsh Local Government Association Education Advisor.  The Challenge Advisor explained that the short course was undertaken in one hour per week and a full course would be taken for 2 to 3 hours per week. 


            The Challenge Advisor provided details of the A level course entries and results.  Councillor Bithell raised concern about the low rate of entries for Mold Alun High School and the Challenge Advisor responded that he was aware that, in the past, the A level course had been taught during lunch breaks and after school.  Councillor Isherwood raised concern about this due to possible transport issues for pupils whose parents did not drive. 


            Councillor Bithell proposed that the schools who had obtained results over the national average be congratulated on their results and this was duly seconded. 




(a)       That the analysis of examination results be noted;


(b)       That a letter be sent to congratulate the schools that had obtained results above the national average;


(c)        That Mr Huw Jones be asked to provide information to the next meeting about delivery of RE at Holywell High School; and


(d)       That the Challenge Advisor raise the issue of the reduction of pupils taking the short course with Tudor Thomas at the next WASACRE meeting. 


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