Agenda item

Listed Building & Full Application - Residential development of 47 No units including part demolition of existing modern buildings, conversion of retained modern buildings into 8 No. three bedroom town houses, conversion of listed buildings into 1 No four bedroomed detached house (chapel) and 26 No apartments (7 No one bed and 16 No two bed) and erection of 12 No three bedroom terraced houses at Lluesty Hospital, Old Chester Road, Holywell (051727 & 051728)




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning, the two additional conditions referred to in the late observations and a two year time limit for commencement of the development. 




That listed building consent be granted and that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning for the formation, scope and nature of such conditions and that the documentation be submitted to CADW. 




The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 12 May 2014.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting.


                        The officer detailed the background to the report and explained that for ease of reference, application 051727 for planning permission would be presented, debated and voted upon first and then the listed building application (051728) would be considered. 




The officer explained that the site was an allocated site in the Unitary Development Plan and he indicated that the red brick building on the site was not part of this application.  No objections had been received from statutory consultees but one objection had been received following third party consultation.  He explained that ordinarily, an application of this nature would attract a section 106 obligation for community benefits but the site had been the subject of a detailed viability study and it had been resolved that if the normal request was undertaken, then the scheme would cease to be viable.  The issue of education places had been considered in the report but the provision of a new school in Holywell had superseded the comments provided.  The officer drew Members attention to the late observations where a time limit for commencement within two years was proposed.  


            Councillor Chris Bithell proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.  He spoke of the wonderful old building and commended the architect and officers for their work on the application.  He concurred that applying a section 106 obligation to the scheme would make it unviable and welcomed the scheme for future generations. 


            Councillor Gareth Roberts commented on the worthwhile site visit and said that the scheme was a culmination of a few years of hard work and paid tribute to the Planning Officer and Senior Engineer - Highways Development Control.  He said that the open area to the south of the site would remain and in speaking on the access and egress, said that improvements to the inadequate junction could be considered when an application for the other part of the site was submitted. 


            Councillor Owen Thomas commented on the magnificent building and welcomed the building being brought back into use.  Councillor Richard Jones requested that investigations into any asbestos on the site be carried out.  Following Councillor Bithell’s agreement to include this in his proposal, the Development Manager confirmed that it would be considered when dealing with other contaminants on the site. 


            The Planning Strategy Manager referred to the late observations and explained that the additional condition requiring the submission and agreement of a phasing plan for the development would include the renovation of the Listed Building prior to occupation of the new building.  He also introduced Jerry Spencer, the Conservation and Design Officer, to the Committee and commented on his input into consideration of the application.   




                        The officer explained that the Listed Building Consent recommendation would require a number of additional conditions to ensure that the required level of detail was secured to safeguard the integrity of the listed building.  It was requested that the formation, scope and nature of such conditions be delegated to the Head of Planning and that documentation on the listed building application be submitted to CADW.  The scheme had been the subject of a heritage statement and officers were satisfied that the proposal did not damage the integrity of the listed building and would bring the building back into use. 







That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning, the two additional conditions referred to in the late observations and a two year time limit for commencement of the development. 




That listed building consent be granted and that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning for the formation, scope and nature of such conditions and that the documentation be submitted to CADW. 



Supporting documents: