Agenda item

Update on the Establishment of a Housing Company


As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Housing provided an update on the progress made in establishing a housing company, North East Wales Homes, and sought approval for the transfer of “gifted” units to the company directly from developers.


Cabinet on 19 December 2013 approved the establishment of a housing company and gave delegated authority to officers to take all of the necessary steps to set that company up.  Good progress had been made and the company had been created and registered at Companies House. 


The Council had been gifted 10 units of housing under Section 106 agreements for affordable housing in perpetuity.  Those properties were transferred to the Council in two tranches, the first in September 2013 and the second in January 2014. 


Welsh Government had been supportive of the move to establish a company and had supplied the Council with free consultancy services. 


As part of the gradual development of portfolio products, the company was starting with two initial landlord offers.  The first would utilise the experience and expertise of the Council as a trusted provider with the company managing and letting a property on behalf of a landlord who owned property through a management agreement.  This would enable the company to carry out all the functions of the landlord in return for a one off £195 sign up fee and 10% of the rental income monthly management fee which would be subject to annual review.  The second landlord offer provided a unique opportunity for home owners over 55 to lease their properties to the company, who would fully manage the property and guarantee the rental income for a fixed 25% of rental income monthly fee, and also points to enable access to suitable council accommodation at the same priority as someone who did not own a property.  This offer recognised the barriers home owners could face accessing suitable council accommodation designated for older people as they received insufficient priority of the Council’s waiting list, as they owned an asset.


The 10 units given to the Council were transferred to the Council before the company was incorporated.  Using the previously granted delegated authority, officers had transferred those properties to the company.  The Council would continue to receive such properties from developers in the future.  However, it was not anticipated that every such property would be transferred to the company and therefore it was recommended that where appropriate for properties to be given to the company that it be decided by the Head of Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.


A nomination agreement would be developed between Flintshire County Council and the company which would set out the arrangements for letting those properties which would provide full nomination rights to Flintshire County Council.  This would ensure that those properties were let to people prioritised for affordable housing by Flintshire County Council.


The Cabinet Member for Housing expressed her thanks to everybody involved in the establishment of the housing company which was echoed by other Cabinet Members who said this was a flagship initiative in Wales which demonstrated the Council’s commitment to providing affordable housing.


NB – Councillor Bernie Attridge left the room during consideration of this item.




(a)       That the progress be noted and the actions taken to establish the Housing company be endorsed;


(b)       That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing to decide which of any future gifted units should be transferred directly to the company by developers; and


(c)        That it be approved that a nomination agreement be developed between the Council and the company, providing 100% nomination rights for all lettings.

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