Agenda item
Year End Service Performance Report
- Meeting of Housing OSC - Expired 07/05/15, Tuesday, 10th June, 2014 10.00 am (Item 13.)
- View the background to item 13.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the comments/observations of the Committee are fed back to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee who are responsible for the overview and monitoring of performance.
The Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) introduced a report for the Committee to note and consider the 2013/14 Year End (January to March 2014) service performance report produced under the adopted business model of the Council. Out of the 24 indicators for Housing Services, 16 were ‘green’, eight ‘amber’ and none were red, helping to increase confidence in the service meeting its targets.
The team managers each gave a short presentation on performance, outlining work which had been undertaken to improve performance and areas where improvement was needed, as outlined within the report. In particular, attention was drawn to the outcomes of the capital works programme for 2013/14 which had exceeded the expectations set out in the Choices Document, and the fact that this continued increase had been achieved with no significant change to the workforce and budget.
On corporate reporting, whilst days lost to sickness absence showed continual improvement, it was noted that this remained an area of priority for the service.
Councillor George Hardcastle commented on the efficiency of the urgent repairs team and asked that his appreciation be passed on. He welcomed the 2013/14 outturn for current tenant rent arrears which, although just under the annual target, showed improvement on last year and was an excellent achievement in view of the impacts of welfare reform.
In response to a query on bed and breakfast accommodation, the Community Support Services Manager referred to the commentary in the report which alluded to the difficulties in moving some families out of this type of accommodation. Despite this, during 2013/14 there had been a significant fall in the number of families placed in bed and breakfasts (17) and the average number of days spent at this provision had slightly reduced to 21 days. The Neighbourhood Housing Manager agreed to provide figures for current total rent arrears separately, including those for year end 2013/14.
The Chairman praised the Housing Options team for their efforts in reducing the bed and breakfast statistics.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin referred to the anti-social behaviour survey and suggested that this would be best carried out by speaking with residents. The Neighbourhood Housing Manager explained that individuals who had reported anti-social behaviour issues would be contacted by telephone by a separate team to complete the survey. Where an issue had been reported, an action plan was agreed and progressed. Following the introduction of a new IT system to manage cases, an update report on performance in anti-social behaviour would be submitted to the Committee later in the year.
In response to a further question, the Community Support Services Manager advised that low income households, including single people, were eligible for the Bond scheme. The Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager provided clarification on the Countywide Home Repair and Renovations support service where loans of up to £30K could be allocated for improvements identified through a health and safety rating system assessment of the property.
Councillor Paul Shotton asked that his thanks be relayed to officers for their prompt actions to address anti-social behaviour issues in his ward. In response to concerns about the implementation of Universal Credit, the Community Support Services Manager gave assurance that preparations were underway to ensure that Flintshire Connects officers were trained to provide low-level advice and offer help to individuals wishing to make online claims.
Councillor Peter Curtis asked about the possibility of direct telephone numbers for Flintshire Connects offices. The Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) said that options were under consideration to provide a telephone service which did not impact on the face-to-face service already in place, and would report back to the Committee on this.
Councillor Gareth Roberts asked if the apprenticeship scheme could be extended to help restore properties that had been left in a bad state. The Cabinet Member for Housing gave an example where this was already being done successfully.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the comments/observations of the Committee are fed back to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee who are responsible for the overview and monitoring of performance.
Supporting documents:
- Year End Service Performance Report (Housing OSC), item 13. PDF 24 KB
- Enc. 1 for Year End Service Performance Report (Housing OSC), item 13. PDF 242 KB