Agenda item

General Matters Application - Erection of a Crematorium with Associated Car Parking, New Access, Landscaping and Garden of Rest on Land East of A5119 & South of Tyddyn Starkey, Starkey Lane, Northop (051043)


            That a Special Planning and Development Control Committee be convened to determine planning application 051043 as soon as possible. 



The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application.


                        The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) indicated that criticism had been received about the plan on page 29 of the report.  He reminded Members that it was a location plan and did not show the constraints but added that when the application for planning permission was submitted to the Committee for consideration, Members would be made aware of the constraints. 


                        The officer detailed the background to the report and explained that this application was to seek approval to determine the application for planning permission at a Special meeting of the Committee due to its major significance and issues of local and regional importance.  The Democracy & Governance Manager advised that the date of the Special Committee meeting would be discussed and agreed with the Chairman.


                        Councillor Derek Butler said that it was his understanding that there were two alternative sites for crematoriums in Flintshire and suggested that determination of the Northop site application may be premature as the Committee needed to decide on the best site for Flintshire out of all of the possible alternatives.  The Democracy & Governance Manager said that currently only an application for the proposed site in Northop had been submitted and highlighted point two of paragraph 6.02 which indicated that determination of the application would include consideration of other possible sites in Flintshire. 


                        The Local Member, Councillor Marion Bateman, said that she had been advised that a cut off date of 24 June 2014 had been identified for receipt of other applications and proposed that the recommendation include the words ‘unless any other applications come forward before 24June 2014’; the proposal was duly seconded.  The Democracy & Governance Manager queried whether Councillor Bateman was requesting that any applications for crematorium sites be considered at a Special Committee meeting.  Councillor Bateman felt that any applications for crematorium sites should be determined at the same time.  She added that the Northop site was on green belt land and it was important to consider whether any other sites were more appropriate.    


                        Councillor Carol Ellis concurred that any applications for crematorium sites should be submitted to the same Committee meeting and commented on applications for landfill sites which had been dealt with separately and had resulted in one being approved and the other being refused but neither being brought forward.  Councillor Richard Jones said that he was not aware of other sites or the cut off date of 24 June 2014 and suggested that this application should be considered on its own.  Councillor Owen Thomas agreed and said that determination of the application was long overdue and as no other applications had come forward, this application should be considered by the Committee at a Special Meeting to be arranged as soon as possible. 


                        Councillor Gareth Roberts said that the application should be dealt with on its planning merits and added that it could not be compared with the issues identified by the determination of the landfill sites.  He was surprised that the applicant had not appealed on grounds of non-determination of the application and reiterated the earlier comments that this proposal should be considered at a Special Planning Committee. 


                        Councillor Neville Phillips proposed that point two of paragraph 6.02 be removed, which was duly seconded.  The Democracy & Governance Manager advised that the officer’s report could not be amended by a proposition.  He added that if another application was submitted then he would have to consider the legal position of determining the application in advance of any new application.  He said that all Member comments had suggested the application merited a special meeting, and if it was agreed then it would be on a date determined by the Chairman of the Committee. 


                        The Democracy & Governance Manager reminded Members that the proposal put forward by Councillor Phillips to remove point two of the recommendation was not valid and that the proposal that they were voting on was from Councillor Bateman to allow a Special Planning Committee to be determined provided no other applications came forward by 24 June 2014.  On being put to the vote, the proposal was LOST.  Councillor Gareth Roberts proposed that a Special meeting be arranged as soon as possible, which was duly seconded, and on being put to the vote, was CARRIED.                




            That a Special Planning and Development Control Committee be convened to determine planning application 051043 as soon as possible. 


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