Agenda item
Post 16 Commissioning and Planning Cycle
- Meeting of Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15, Thursday, 19th June, 2014 2.00 pm (Item 6.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 6.
- View the background to item 6.
(a) That a further report setting out the commissioning plans for 2015-16 be provided to the Committee in November 2014; and
(b) That the Principal of Coleg Cambria be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee to address the issue of comparable data on Post 16 learners between secondary schools and Coleg Cambria and the management and scrutiny of the Post 16 hub.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced a report to give an update on the requirements for the commissioning and planning cycle for 2015/16, under the new national Post 16 Planning and Funding Framework. He provided background information and referred to the principles that the Plans should adhere to.
The Chief Officer advised that the Planning Framework was centred on improving the information flow between Local Authorities, Further Education Institutions and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) to provide commissioners with a greater understanding of post 16 educational provision and how it was adding value across Wales. He explained that the planning cycle could be broken down into six stages and these were detailed in the appendix to the report. The Provisional Plan for 2015-16 would be submitted by 14 November 2014, DfES would analyse the plans and provide feedback to Local Authorities during December 2014 and January 2015 prior to the issuing of final funding allocations. Local Authorities would then be expected to consider the feedback from the provisional plans when developing the final plans for submission. The Chief Officer explained that the Ministerial Priorities for Local Authorities 2015-16 were issued in May 2014 and were detailed in the report. He advised that the Authority’s plan must be influenced by local institutional recruitment, retention and outcome information together with wider commissioning information such as local and regional Labour Market intelligence.
Referring to Priority 3, Learner Support and Progression, Councillor Paul Shotton sought information on how the take up of the new Welsh
Baccalaureate would be encouraged and monitored. He also referred to the role of the Engagement and Progression Coordinator and suggested that the Coordinator be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee to outline the role and service they provide. The Chief Officer gave an overview of the role of the Coordinator and agreed that it may be helpful if the individual attended a future meeting of the Committee to provide more detail. The Head of Schools Improvement Services advised that information was being made available from the Welsh Government in relation to the how the take up of the Welsh Baccalaureate would be encouraged and monitored for Post 16 learners. He said that where information had been provided the Curriculum Leaders Forum would continue to share such information with schools.
Councillor Nancy Matthews referred to the Priority on Improving Learner Outcomes. She expressed concerns around the need to improve the position on securing higher grade outcomes at A level and referred to a possible devaluing of A level grades below A*. The Chief Officer acknowledged the point and referred to the Estyn Inspection of 14-19 year old learning where it had been recognised that not enough learners were achieving the A level grades they were capable of and that each youngster should have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Mr. David Hytch queried retention rates for Post 16 learners at Coleg Cambria and asked if this information could be provided to the Committee. The Head of Schools Improvement Services explained it was anticipated that this information would be made available in the future. With regard to the further question raised by Mr. Hytch concerning the tracking of young people who left secondary school, he advised that Careers Wales tracked the destination of all youngsters and that the data could be shared with the Committee. Work would be ongoing with all partners to improve the coordination of that information during the Summer.
Mrs. Rita Price emphasised the need for comparable data to measure performance and retention rates for Post 16 learners at secondary schools and college. The Chief Officer explained that there were currently two sets of accountability data and commented on the need for one combined database to present performance and accountability information in the future.
In response to the concerns which had been raised by Members the Chairman suggested that an invitation be extended to the Principal of Coleg Cambria to attend a future meeting of the Committee to address the issue of comparable data on Post 16 learners between secondary schools and Coleg Cambria. Councillor Nancy Matthews referred to the future management and scrutiny of the Post 16 hub and it was agreed that the Principal of Coleg Cambria would be asked to address this matter also at the meeting.
(a) That a further report setting out the commissioning plans for 2015-16 be provided to the Committee in November 2014; and
(b) That the Principal of Coleg Cambria be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee to address the issue of comparable data on Post 16 learners between secondary schools and Coleg Cambria and the management and scrutiny of the Post 16 hub.
Supporting documents:
- Post 16 Commissioning and Planning Cycle, item 6. PDF 42 KB
- Enc. 1 for Post 16 Commissioning and Planning Cycle, item 6. PDF 24 KB
- Enc. 2 for Post 16 Commissioning and Planning Cycle, item 6. PDF 68 KB
- Enc. 3 for Post 16 Commissioning and Planning Cycle, item 6. PDF 30 KB