Agenda item

Energy Switching Scheme Update


(a)       That the initiative be supported; and


(b)       That Members utilise the engagement packs (when available) to promote the Cyd Cymru fuel switching scheme, and promote energy efficiency when doing so.


The Energy Manager introduced the report to update the Committee with information on the Welsh Government’s (WG) sponsored collective switching scheme called ‘Cyd Cymru’.


Following reports submitted to the Committee in March and September 2013, it had been agreed not to take up the scheme in Flintshire at that time due to concerns on costs.  However, support from WG for a scheme developed by Cardiff City and Vale of Glamorgan Councils and confirmation of funding for the foreseeable future had led to renewed interest by Flintshire.  The two fuel switches which had taken place to date had proved successful, with the first enabling 870 households to achieve average savings of £155 each by switching suppliers.  The second switch had collected 1,962 registrations of which 34% had switched suppliers, representing a significant achievement, and a third switch was anticipated for the Autumn 2014.  A report was being produced by Cardiff City Council, indicating that a combined 1,500 households had achieved an average saving of £180 per household as a result of the two fuel switches.


The Energy Manager said that whilst the initiative aimed to help achieve savings, the energy efficiency measures were of great importance to safeguard households from fuel poverty.  Given the minimum resource implications and with support from WG, it was the Council’s intention to sign up to the scheme, with no cost implications other than officer time and a small amount of funding taken from the existing budget for engagement packs to be promoted by Members and officers.


In response to a question from the Chair on the cost of producing the engagement packs, the Energy Manager estimated these to be around £2K but agreed to provide confirmation when available.


Councillor Paul Shotton said that the initiative was well-intentioned but commented on the take-up rate and suggested that loft/wall insulation and a different approach by energy companies may be more beneficial to households.  In responding, the Energy Manager confirmed that the scheme was open to low-income households with pre-payment meters.


Councillor Nancy Matthews acknowledged the increased number of households which had achieved savings from the second fuel switch and asked if interested residents could seek advice by telephoning the Energy team or were able to receive assistance in registering online at Flintshire Connects offices.  The Energy Manager explained that this was a specialist area and that the Energy team, through agile working, could advise residents or refer them to the Energy Advice Centre where appropriate.  Officers would work alongside the Centre to help promote the scheme, with engagements packs to be made available at local events and to Members and Town and Community Councils.


Councillor Chris Dolphin commented that the scheme may not suit everyone but that those with pre-payment meters should be encouraged to participate.  He felt that promotion of the scheme should emphasise that this was a Council initiative to encourage greater take-up by residents and that the services and help available at Flintshire Connects offices should be more widely publicised to the general public.  The Energy Manager advised that 50% of the 5,373 households registered for the first fuel switch were outside Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan, with approximately 70 from Flintshire.  A copy of the report from the fuel switch would be shared with the Committee.


The Energy Manager agreed to take forward to the Project Board the suggestion made by Councillor Joe Johnson to extend the scheme to include a switching model for mobile telephones and broadband.




(a)       That the initiative be supported; and


(b)       That Members utilise the engagement packs (when available) to promote the Cyd Cymru fuel switching scheme, and promote energy efficiency when doing so.

Supporting documents: