Agenda item

Improvement Plan Monitoring Report


             That the reports be received. 



                        The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) introduced a report to consider elements of the 2014/15 Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee for the period April to July 2014. 


                        Representatives from each of the service areas gave a short presentation on the Improvement Plan progress, outlining the progress status, how the achievements would be measured and the actions/arrangements in place to control the risk.  They also answered questions, as shown below, on each of the following service areas:-


·         Business Sector Growth

·         Town and Rural Regeneration

·         Social Enterprise

·         Traffic and Road Management

·         Transport Infrastructure and Services

·         Carbon Control and Reduction


Business Sector Growth


            The Chair sought clarification on the number of new jobs that had been created and the Enterprise Manager explained that the total was made up of full and part time posts. 


            On the Implementation of the “masterplan” for the Northern Gateway site to facilitate development of a key part of the Enterprise Zone, the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) advised that funding had now been confirmed for the flood defence works and it was anticipated that the work, which had been delayed slightly, would commence shortly.  It was hoped that the completion of this work would allow housing and economic development schemes to progress. 


            Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the commencement of the works and the creation and safeguarding of jobs within the Deeside Enterprise Zone (DEZ).  The Cabinet Member for Economic Development indicated that the 60% conversion rate in businesses investing in the area was the best result in the country for Enterprise Zones.  Councillor Ian Dunbar welcomed the progress of the work on the DEZ.   


            The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) advised that a diversion order for the right of way on the site was being finalised.    


            Town and Rural Regeneration


                        Councillor Nancy Matthews sought clarification on the supported renewal projects and the sustained community facilities which were referred to on page 29.  The Economic Development Manager advised that he would provide full details following the meeting. 


                        Councillor Paul Shotton gave congratulations on behalf of residents on the Vibrant and Viable Places programme which was underway across Deeside towns which had enhanced overgrown and tired areas. 


            Social Enterprise


                        The Environment and Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator advised that this area was led by the Chief Officer (Social Services) who was not able to be in attendance at this meeting.  The Cabinet Member for Environment raised concern at this.   


                        Councillor Carolyn Thomas requested that a report on Social Enterprise be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.  The Cabinet Member for Economic Development indicated that it was reported that a workshop event on Social Enterprise was to be held in October 2014.  


            Traffic and Road Management


                         In thanking Cabinet for the proposals for safer routes to schools and the 20 mph signs outside schools, Councillor Ian Dunbar sought clarification on whether the speed limit was compulsory.  The Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed that some of the limits were mandatory and the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) advised that he would circulate a list of the mandatory speed limits to Members following the meeting.   


            Transport Infrastructure and Services


                        On the issue of the rural transport project, Councillor Carolyn Thomas raised concern that it was reported that development of the scheme would be through funding from Cadwyn Clwyd.  She explained that this was no longer available as it had been returned to Welsh Government because it had not been spent.  She sought assurance that if funding was available, it be applied for and used instead of being returned. 


                        Councillor Veronica Gay referred to the Broughton cycleway and asked how it would affect traffic flow.  The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) explained that the work would commence in January 2015 on the left hand side from Saltney to Broughton and it was expected it would be completed by the middle of March 2015.  A one-way system for traffic would be in operation for the period of the work. 


            Carbon Control and Reduction


                        Councillor Paul Shotton queried whether any land in Flintshire County Council ownership had been identified as potential sites for renewable energy schemes.  He also asked that a report on renewables be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.  The Cabinet Member for Environment indicated that a report had been submitted to Cabinet and suggested that a workshop be arranged once a list of sites had been agreed.  A report could then be submitted to this Committee before the final decision on a location was taken.  The Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) explained that it was intended to review the Council’s land holding and that this work would take a few months to complete.  He confirmed that Local Members would be involved in discussions on proposed sites.    




            That the reports be received. 


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