Agenda item

Play Development: Summer Playschemes


(a)       That the proposed way forward as outlined in the report be noted; and


(b)       That the comments made by members of the Committee be collated and sent to the Chief Officer (Organisational Change)



The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced a report on the summer play scheme programme 2014 and on the financial implications for the delivery of Summer playschemes in 2015.  He gave background information and invited the Principal Leisure Services Officer to give an overview of the main considerati8ons. 


The  Principal Leisure Services Officer reported that the availability of grant funding for Summer play schemes 2015/16 and beyond had not been confirmed by Families First, however, planning was based on continuation of the funding to the same level.   Subject to confirmation of the Families First funding the Council would need to confirm the future allocation of grant funding for the provision of summer play schemes as detailed in the report. Following confirmation the Council would begin consultation with local Town and Community Councils regarding partnership funding for Summer playschemes 2015.


The  Principal Leisure Services Officer advised that early consideration needed to be given to developing an ‘exit strategy’ for Summer playscheme 2016 if the Council was not awarded the grant from Families First for delivery of the playschemes in 2016/17.  The Play Development Team would consult with all local Town and Community Councils , children, young people, and volunteer organisations regarding Summer playscheme 2016 and the possibility of the loss of the Families First grant.  The Play Development Team would explore a number of options as listed in the report to assist local communities to continue to deliver Summer playschemes for 2016 and beyond.


The Principal Leisure Services Officer introduced Janet Roberts, Play Development Officer, and Ann Roberts, Families First Lead/Youth Service Manager, and invited them to give a presentation on Flintshire Summer playschemes.  The main points of the presentation were:


·         Play in Flintshire

·         Flintshire Summer playschemes 2014

·         Evaluation – what  children say?

·         What do parents and carers think?

·         Summer playscheme 2015

·         Summer playscheme 2016


The Chairman thanked Officers for the detailed and informative presentation and invited members to raise questions.


Councillor Ian Dunbar referred to the risk of loss of the Families First grant and asked if any other funding streams were available.  The Chief Officer commented that the Council wished to provide as much provision as possible and said a range of localised funding support would be explored if the Grant was not awarded. 


Councillor Carolyn Thomas referred to a grant which had been received from Welsh Government towards play and asked how this had been spent.  Mike Welsh said that he would provide a full breakdown to all members of the Committee.


During discussion members referred to the recruitment of volunteers for playschemes.  Councillor Carolyn Thomas suggested that Town and Community Council’s be contacted to ask if they were aware of any volunteer groups which would be willing to assist in delivering the summer Playschemes.  Councillor Thomas asked for further details on the summer Playscheme delivered in Higher Kinnerton through Dragon Sport.


Councillor Marion Bateman referred to the issue of safeguarding and asked if CRB checks were undertaken on volunteers. The Chief Officer  confirmed that all volunteers would be CRB checked and explained that details on this would be included in the different delivery models to be presented to the Committee later in the year.


In response to a question from Councillor Nancy Mathews concerning insurance premiums the Chief Officer agreed to circulate a briefing note to the Committee on what elements the Council continued to support and how insurance was currently provided. 



Councillor Carolyn Thomas suggested that Officers look at the models used by other Local Authorities for Summer playscheme provision.




 (a)      That the proposed way forward as outlined in the report be noted; and


(b)       That the comments made by members of the Committee be collated and sent to the Chief Officer (Organisational Change)


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