Agenda item
Update on the implementation of SARTH
- Meeting of Housing OSC - Expired 07/05/15, Wednesday, 14th January, 2015 2.00 pm (Item 48.)
- View the background to item 48.
(a) That the Committee note the progress made to implement a new allocation policy and common housing register;
(b) That the phased transfer of applicants to the new register including
Housing Association applicants, be supported; and
(c) That the proposals to set a 12 month timescale for those with no identified housing need to be able to remain on the original register be supported.
The Acting Community Support Services Manager introduced a report to update the committee on the development of the Single Access Route to Housing Project (SARTH) across the North East Wales sub region and the development of a Common Housing Register in Flintshire.
The Acting Community Support Services Manager provided background information and explained that the SARTH policy would be simpler than the current points based system. Applicants would be given reasonable preference determined by a banding scheme which listed people in date order of their application within each band. Reasonable preference would be given to those who fell within the statutory categories such as homelessness, overcrowding, living in unsanitary conditions, medical grounds or hardship. She advised that the SARTH policy included a revised allocation policy and changes to the way that the register was currently managed to move away from a focus on accessing social housing towards providing advice on realistic housing options.
The Acting Community Support Services Manager referred to the key considerations which were detailed in the report and advised that all current applicants for social housing would receive a letter at the beginning of January 2015 requesting that they complete and return a reply slip if they wish to remain on the housing register and still require social housing. Once the applicant had confirmed that they wished to remain on the Register they would be contacted by a member of staff from the Housing Solutions Team so that they could discuss the changes to the allocation policy, their circumstances, and assess which band, if any, they could be placed into. The new system would place people in date order in their priority band group. For existing applicants their original application date would transfer.
The Acting Community Support Services Manager explained that only those people with an identified housing need would be placed on the new housing register, although the Council had made a commitment that if a current applicant did not meet the criteria for any of the new Banding priorities they would be able to remain on the old register and may be considered for a housing allocation if there were no suitable applicants for a vacancy on the new common housing register. Applicants would be informed that if no suitable allocation was identified within a 12-month period then they would be assisted with other options and removed from the register. During discussion it was agreed that a copy of the letter being sent to applicants and the FAQ booklets, which were also to be sent to tenants, would be circulated to Members beforehand.
Members considered the draft Common Allocation Policy which was appended to the report. In response to the comments raised on the quality of the Policy and the text which was missing in section 13.3, the Acting Community Support Services Manager agreed to amend the Policy and provide an updated version to Members.
(a) That the Committee note the progress made to implement a new allocation policy and common housing register;
(b) That the phased transfer of applicants to the new register including
Housing Association applicants, be supported; and
(c) That the proposals to set a 12 month timescale for those with no identified housing need to be able to remain on the original register be supported.
Supporting documents:
Update on the implementation of SARTH, item 48.
Enc. 1 for Update on the implementation of SARTH, item 48.
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