Agenda item

Presentation by North Wales Fire and Rescue Service

To receive a presentation from Mr Simon Smith, Chief Fire Officer, and Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies, Chair of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. 


(a)       That Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies and Mr. Simon Smith be thanked for their presentation; and


(b)       That arrangements be made for Members of the Committee to be notified of future Phoenix  Project presentations at Mold Fire Station, as they may wish to attend and show their support for this worthwhile initiative



The Chairman welcomed and introduced Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies, Chair of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, and Mr Simon Smith, Chief Fire Officer, and invited them to give a presentation on the North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority.   


The Chief Fire Officer referred to the continuing demand for services.  .  He provided information in his presentation on the outcomes for Flintshire, prevention costs, and the consequences of maintaining a frozen budget.  He explained that not increasing the revenue budget by the required amount during the next 5 years would require significant reductions to preventative and responsive services.  The Chief Fire Officer also reported on the impact of major reductions in Government grant funding for community safety which would impact in projects such as the Phoenix Project.   


The Chief Fire Officer expanded on the public consultation being undertaken on the level of fire and rescue services provided in North Wales in 2015-16 and beyond.  He explained that the consultation was about whether or not to reduce the amount of fire and rescue cover in North Wales.  He advised that a reduction in the size of the Service would avoid increasing the County Council’s financial contributions but would mean reducing the number of fire stations, fire engines, and fire and rescue service operators.    He referred to the three options presented in the consultation document and the impact of each, and advised that the consultation would close on 9 January 2015.


The Chief Executive advised that a special meeting of the Fire Authority was to be held during the beginning of December 2014 to make a recommendation on the budget to the next ordinary meeting of the Fire Authority later in December 2014. 


The Chairman thanked Mr. Smith for his presentation and invited Members to raise questions.


Councillor Paul Cunningham asked if the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority had considered creating a single Fire and Rescue Service as was the case in Scotland.  He also asked if the Service had any assets which could be realised to improve the funding situation, or any resources in reserve that could be utilised.  Councillor Cunningham also expressed disappointment around the reduction in grant funding for the Phoenix Project. 


The Chief Fire Officer advised that grant funding for the Phoenix Project had been reduced on an all Wales basis.  He said he was working with officers in the other two Fire and Rescue Services and the Welsh Government to see what could be done to minimise the impact of reduced funding and to seek alternative measures for the Phoenix Project. 


Referring to the question concerning a merger of the Fire and Rescue Authorities in North Wales, the Chief Fire Officer said that this would be a matter for the Welsh Government to consider.  He said that the Authorities in North Wales had never supported the concept of a merger because of concerns around funding. He also commented that it was too soon to evaluate the impact of the single service which had been created in Scotland a year ago.   In response to the further questions from Councillor Cunningham around the sale of assets and use of reserves, the Chief Fire Officer explained that the Service did not have a significant amount of assets or reserves that it could utilise.  He commented on the rental of buildings and the opportunities to downsize which had already been undertaken.  


During discussion Members spoke in support of the Phoenix Project and expressed a number of concerns around the impact of reduced funding and continuation of the service.  Councillor Cunningham proposed that the Committee be notified of future Phoenix  Project presentations at Mold Fire Station, as they may wish to attend and show their support for this worthwhile initiative


Councillor Paul Shotton expressed concerns around any potential reduced funding to the Fire & Rescue Service in future years.  He commented that the Fire & Rescue Service provided excellent value for money and referred to the valuable community services provided, citing the fire and safety checks for the elderly and student population as an example. 


The Chief Executive advised that the consultation of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority was to be considered at the meeting of the County Council to be held on 25 November 2014.  He also commented on the opportunity for Members to make individual input through the consultation process.


 The Chairman thanked Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies and Mr. Simon Smith, for their detailed and informative responses to Members’ questions.




(a)       That Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies and Mr. Simon Smith be thanked for their presentation; and


(b)       That arrangements be made for Members of the Committee to be notified of future Phoenix  Project presentations at Mold Fire Station, as they may wish to attend and show their support for this worthwhile initiative