Agenda item

School Transport Update


That the report on the implementation of the school transport policy be noted.



The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced a report on the progress made on the implementation of the revised school transport policy.  He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Ron Keating, Headteacher, St. Richard Gwyn Catholic High School, and his team for their professionalism and positive approach towards the revised policy and working practices.


The Chief Officer provided background information and advised that the change in the school transport policy had affected new pupils starting at St. Richard Gwyn Catholic High School from September 2014.  He referred to the main considerations in the report which outlined the support and information made available to parents and pupils to enable them to be prepared for the revised policy.  The Chief Officer emphasised that free transport was being maintained for pupils who were eligible under the previous policy as they progress through the school.  He advised that in the future it was the wish of the School to provide a service for all pupils regardless of faith and within the framework of the amended school transport policy. 


During discussion Members raised concerns around the issue of parental choice.  The Cabinet Member for Education and Chief Officer responded to the questions and comments raised and stated that the Authority had never paid for school transport for pupils who were attending a school that was determined by parental choice.  The Cabinet Member referred to the anomaly which had arisen in the past in relation to St. Richard Gwyn Catholic High School.


The Chairman welcomed Mr. Keating and invited him to put forward his views on the revised school transport policy.


Mr. Keating expressed his thanks to the Authority and Chief Officer for preserving free school transport for those pupils who were eligible under the previous policy.  He commented that the School was a “resource” not just for Catholics but for anyone who wished to participate in the faith dimension of the School and emphasised that it was the only faith school in Flintshire at secondary level. 


Mr. Keating referred to the revised transport policy and explained that as a consequence of the planning, consultation, and passing of the new policy on concessionary funding for non-Catholics there had been a loss of 93 pupils on roll which had impacted significantly on finance, curriculum planning and teaching jobs.  He reiterated the concerns he had expressed previously that the change to the policy would destabilise the School’s strong admission and stressed the need to safeguard transport to the School.


Members raised further concerns around the financial savings to be achieved.  Members also expressed the view that the school was less inclusive and only accessible to children whose parents could provide private transport where public transport was not available.  Members referred to the issue concerning the duplication of bus routes.


Councillor Nancy Matthews asked if consideration had been given to establishing more centralised collection points for children to access school buses as an efficiency saving.   The Chief Officer agreed that this could be considered in the future.   


Mrs. Janine Beggan asked that primary schools also be included in the consultation process on changes to the school transport policy.  The Chief Officer that there were no immediate proposals to change the policy but  this would be undertaken if there were any changes to the school transport policy in the future.


The Cabinet Member and Chief Officer responded to the matters raised.  The Chief Officer reminded Members that they had been fully briefed on the estimated financial savings which would be achieved through network management and the procurement process. 


Mrs. Rita Price commented on the equality impact assessment of the change in legislation and referred to the school transport provision for Welsh Medium education schools.  During discussion it was proposed by Mrs. Price that the Equality Impact Assessment be considered by the Committee at a future meeting.  The proposal was seconded and when put to the vote was lost.  The Chairman suggested that a copy of the equality impact assessment be circulated to the Committee for information.   


Members agreed to note the report on the implementation of the school transport policy.



That the report on the implementation of the school transport policy be noted.


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