Agenda item

Budget Consultation Process

A verbal update will be provided.


(a)       That the update be noted;


(b)       That an invitation to attend a budget drop-in session on the 19

December, 2014 at 2.00 pm be sent to all Members; and


(c)        That a letter outlining Members concerns on hypothecated funding be

            sent to the Welsh Government (WG)



The Leader of the Council advised that the Welsh Government (WG) final local settlement had just been published.  He advised on the implications for Flintshire.


                        The Leader referred to the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement and the additional £113m funding to be made available for Wales.   He commented that the bulk of the funding would be made available to the Health Service but £43m was unallocated and further clarification on how that was to be allocated would be provided in the New Year.  He explained that preparatory work would be carried out between now and the New Year to outline the Authority’s case for funding for social care.  He commented on the value of local government in terms of the local community services provided  around preventative care and health and well-being through leisure services for example.


.           The Leader of the Council referred to consideration of the draft revenue budget proposals for the Council Fund 2015/16 at Cabinet on 16 December 2014, and the formal Overview & Scrutiny budget consultation meetings to be held in January 2015.  He asked the Committee for their views on whether the provisional budget workshop date of 19 December 2014 should be utilised for an all Member budget drop-in session to address any questions/queries prior to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee budget meetings.  The Committee supported the suggestion and it was agreed that confirmation would be sent to all Members.  It was also agreed that the provisional slot of 16 January 2015 would be utilised for a similar budget drop-in session.  Confirmation of this would also be sent to all Members in due course.


                        The Chief Executive also referred to the significant amount of funding from the WG which was unallocated and welcomed the availability of any continued short-term funding for social care.  He commented on the formal consultation process to be undertaken in January 2015 on the draft Council Fund Revenue Budget 2015/16.  In response to the queries raised by Members he advised that all Chief Officer portfolios would be covered across Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


During discussion  Councillor Richard Jones expressed concerns that the Health Service was being supported by the WG at the expense of local government provision.  He proposed that a letter be sent to the WG outlining Members concerns around hypothecated funding and the impact this would have on front line services when considering future budget proposals.  He also asked that the letter seeks a move from the WG towards un-hypothecated budgets for local authorities in the future.  The Leader of the Council agreed to send a letter to the WG.


                        The Chairman commented on the discussions which arose during the budget briefing meeting for Group Leaders around considering a base budget next year and asked that the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee be involved in reviewing the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan. 




 (a)      That the update be noted;


(b)       That an invitation to attend a budget drop-in session on the 19

December, 2014 at 2.00 pm be sent to all Members; and


(c)        That a letter outlining Members concerns on hypothecated funding be

            sent to the Welsh Government (WG)