Agenda item

Council Tax Reduction Scheme


(a)       That the laying of the Council Tax Scheme (Prescribed Requirements and Default Scheme)(Wales)(Amendment) Regulations 2015 be noted; and 

(b)       That the Scheme as set out in paragraph 3.02 and the recommendations to maintain the current discretionary elements be strongly supported.     



The Revenues & Benefits Manager introduced a report to explain the requirements to adopt the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2015/16 by 31st January 2015 and to seek support for this. 


                        He detailed the background to the report and explained that there was a requirement for the Scheme to be adopted each year.  The regulations for 2015/16 ensured that qualifying taxpayers continue to receive a reduction of up to 100% of their Council Tax bill if they were eligible.  The Revenues & Benefits Manager explained that figures for calculating the entitlement to a reduction had been uprated for Non-dependent deductions, the applicable amount and the disregard that applied when calculating a person’s income.  It was reported that some of the 2013 Regulations had also been amended and full details were provided in the report. 


The Revenues & Benefits Manager detailed the additional elements that the Council had limited discretion to apply, that were more generous than the national scheme, but added that the Council were required to adopt the scheme by 31st January 2015 regardless of whether it applied any of the discretionary elements.  The Council’s approach to applying the available discretions was detailed and the Revenues & Benefits Manager advised Members that there were no additional monies available from Welsh Government (WG) to fund the discretionary elements.  The amount of Grant received from WG was limited to £9.958m for 2015/16 and this was provided on a fixed rather than a demand led basis.    


Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the report and proposed that the Scheme and the Discretionary elements be strongly supported.  Councillor Richard Jones raised concern at the lack of consultation by WG with Councils on the scheme and that Authorities should be able to voice their concerns about the costs that were incurred in applying the scheme.  In response to a question from Councillor Robin Guest, the Revenues & Benefits Manager commented on the possible shortfall for applying the scheme but added that the total projected costs of the scheme would be finalised and budgeted for once the Council Tax increase for 2015/16 had been agreed. 


Councillor Jones felt that WG should recognise that implementation of the scheme was a pressure on Councils and suggested that a letter be sent to WG seeking their support.  The Chief Executive reiterated that a fixed amount was paid by WG for the scheme and added that the Medium Term Financial Plan would need to reflect this type of pressure on Councils that was not in their control.  Councillor Jones then withdrew his suggestion to send a letter to WG.   


            In response to a question from Councillor Clive Carver, the Revenues & Benefits Manager detailed the reduction in those claiming the Council Tax Reduction and said that there was an element of volatility in the fluctuating figures.  




(a)       That the laying of the Council Tax Scheme (Prescribed Requirements and Default Scheme)(Wales)(Amendment) Regulations 2015 be noted; and 

(b)       That the Scheme as set out in paragraph 3.02 and the recommendations to maintain the current discretionary elements be strongly supported.      


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