Agenda item
Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 - Consultation on Draft Statutory Guidance
- Meeting of Constitution Committee, Wednesday, 28th March, 2012 10.00 am (Item 53.)
- View the background to item 53.
To obtain the Committee's view on the Draft
Statutory Guidance currently being consulted upon by the Welsh
(a) That the observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee in response to consultation on the Draft Guidance be endorsed;
(b) That the observations made by the Audit Committee at its meeting on 26 March 2012 concerning the Draft Statutory Guidance relating to audit committees be endorsed;
(c) That the criteria for the appointment of a suitable lay person to the membership of the Audit Committee be made clear in the final version of the Guidance;
(d) That the proposed timetable for a survey to be conducted following ordinary elections in relation to the timing of the Authority’s council, committee, and sub committee meetings, was deemed unrealistic; and
(e) That the Democracy and Governance Manager responds to consultation on the above basis.
The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report to seek the view of the Committee on the Draft Statutory Guidance currently being consulted on by the Welsh Government (WG).
The Democracy and Governance Manager advised that on 3 February 2012, the WG had issued a consultation document on Draft Statutory Guidance on the local democracy and governance parts of the Measure. The parts of the Draft Statutory Guidance relating to overview and scrutiny were considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee on 8 March 2012, and details of its recommended response to consultation effecting Overview and Scrutiny was attached to the report. The parts of the Draft Guidance relating to audit committees had been considered by the Audit Committee at its meeting on 26 March 2012. The observations of the Audit Committee were tabled at the meeting and reported by the Internal Audit Manager. The Democracy and Governance Manager advised that the deadline for responses to the consultation was 30 March 2012.
The Democracy and Governance Manager gave an overview of the proposals put forward in the Draft Statutory Guidance which were detailed in the report. Members raised a number of concerns in relation to the proposed timescale, following ordinary elections, for a survey to be conducted around the timing and intervals at which council, committee and sub committee meetings were held. Councillor R.C. Bithell expressed the view that this and some of the other proposals should be left with the local authority to determine rather than the WG trying to micro manage authorities. He commented that Flintshire County Council already had well established and long standing arrangements in place which worked well. Further queries were raised by Members concerning the appointment of at least one lay person to the membership of the Audit Committee. The Democracy and Governance Manager responded to the comments and queries and provided clarification on the matter of co-optee allowances.
The Committee endorsed the observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee in response to consultation on the Draft Guidance relating to Overview and Scrutiny. Members also endorsed the points made by the Audit Committee at its meeting on 26 March 2012, in response to consultation relating to audit committees. In addition Members stated that the criteria for the appointment of a suitable lay person to the membership of the Audit Committee should be made clear in the final version of the Guidance. It was agreed that the proposed timetable for a survey to be conducted of Members following ordinary elections in relation to the timing of the Council’s meetings was unrealistic.
(a) That the observations of the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee in response to consultation on the Draft Guidance be endorsed;
(b) That the observations made by the Audit Committee at its meeting on 26 March 2012 concerning the Draft Statutory Guidance relating to audit committees be endorsed;
(c) That the criteria for the appointment of a suitable lay person to the membership of the Audit Committee be made clear in the final version of the Guidance;
(d) That the proposed timetable for a survey to be conducted following ordinary elections in relation to the timing of the Authority’s council, committee, and sub committee meetings, was deemed unrealistic; and
(e) That the Democracy and Governance Manager responds to consultation on the above basis.
Supporting documents:
- General Template (all other Committees) for Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 - Consultation on Draft Statutory Guidance, item 53. PDF 39 KB
- General Template (all other Committees) for Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 - Consultation on Draft Statutory Guidance enc. 1, item 53. PDF 17 KB