Agenda item

Notice of Motion

The following Notice of Motion has been received from Councillor Q.R.H. Dodd:-


Dog friendly styles and kissing gates

“Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmers ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some styles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem”.


Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmer’s ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm, and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some stiles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem. 


The following Notice of Motion had been received from Councillor Q.R.H. Dodd:-


“Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmer’s ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some stiles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem”.


            Councillor Dodd formally proposed the motion and this was duly seconded.


            In speaking to his motion, Councillor Dodd commented on the good work of the Ramblers Association who worked hard to ensure that footpaths throughout Flintshire were kept clear.  He also commented on the issue of the inability of dogs and walkers crossing some stiles and asked that the Council engage with the Highways Department to ensure that dog friendly stiles and kissing gates were installed where possible to ensure that the Council became more proactive than it was at present.     


            Councillor H.T. Howorth said that he was a member of the Ramblers Association and that the elderly, infirm and disabled were disadvantaged in crossing some stiles, whether they were walking a dog or not.  He said that when an issue was reported to the Council, kissing gates were installed where possible.   


            Councillor Eng. K. Armstrong-Braun spoke in support of the motion and said that as a footpath inspector he recognised the problems faced by dog walkers in crossing some stiles in Flintshire.  He commented on sliding gates which were more accessible for dogs which he felt should be considered as an alternative to kissing gates and stiles.  He proposed an amendment to the motion that the words ‘all walkers, especially’ be included before the word ‘elderly’.  This amendment was seconded by Councillor V. Gay.


            In response to the proposed amendment, the Chief Executive explained that if the motion was supported the policy would ensure that footpaths would be accessible to all walkers as per the sentiment behind the motion.  In view of this, the Chair did not accept the proposal as a valid amendment.   


            Councillor M.J. Peers raised concern on the suggestion of using sliding gates as he had received complaints from residents within his ward that they could be dangerous.  He also reported that he had contacted the Countryside Service following complaints he had received from residents around kissing gates and stiles and had received a reply on 16 March 2012.


            Councillor L.A. Aldridge thanked Councillor Dodd for bringing the motion to Council and also the Director of Environment and the Senior Coastal Ranger for the improvements that had been made to the coastal footpath.  He said that the Council should acknowledge the level of accessibility which had been increased.


            Councillor A.P. Shotton suggested that the motion should be presented to the Flintshire Local Access Forum as the appropriate Forum to consider and provide recommendations on this matter. 


            Councillor L.A. Sharps, Executive Member for Environment reported that there was approximately 600 metres of footpath across Flintshire and thanked Councillor L.A. Aldridge for his comments on the improvements that had been made to accessibility of the footpaths.  He agreed that the Flintshire Local Access Forum should consider the motion and gave a commitment that the Council would examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem.   




Whilst recognising that there is a need for no interference in a farmer’s ability to contain his livestock, particularly sheep, within his fields, this Council acknowledges that there is a problem for the elderly, infirm and disabled when exercising their dogs.  This issue is the inability of the Dog and/or walker to cross some stiles.  It calls upon the Council to examine the problem and bring forth a policy to alleviate the problem.