Agenda item

Year End Chief Officer Performance Report



(a)       That the reports be noted; and


(b)       That feedback be provided to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee who are responsible for the overview and monitoring of improvement targets.




The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) advised that she would give a joint presentation on the 2014/15 Year End Service Performance report produced for her portfolio and the Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee.  She reported on the areas of positive performance regarding Customer Services, Benefits and Welfare Reform and Revenues and referred to any areas of concern.  She also reported on progress on the Northern Gateway Scheme as detailed in appendix 6 of the Year End Improvement Plan report.  She invited Officers present to outline the work which had been undertaken to improve performance in their respective areas.


The Economic Development Manager reported on regeneration and referred to the Vibrant and Viable Places programme in Deeside, Flint regeneration, the rural development programme, and Communities First programme.  The Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager commented on the areas of concern and around the Disabled Facilities Grant scheme.  Referring to appendix 7 of the Year End Improvement Plan report the Economic Development Manager also commented on the European regional development of a number of town centres.


The Acting Senior Manager, Council Housing Services, gave a brief presentation on the areas of positive performance concerning the Housing Revenue Account and referred to the areas of concern.  He also referred to appendix 1 in the Year End Improvement Plan report and reported on progress towards achieving the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.


The Community Support Services Manager gave an update on developments in Community Support Services and referred to the SARTH project, the Homeless Prevention pilot and the CBASS service.  The Housing Regeneration & Strategy Manager reported on Fuel Poverty and the work undertaken to protect people from poverty as detailed in appendix 5 of the Year End Improvement Plan.


The Chairman thanked Officers for their detailed reports and invited Members to raise questions. 


Councillor Alison Halford expressed concerns relating to the payment of grants to Community First areas and said the problem had been highlighted by the Welsh Audit Officer.  The Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) acknowledged the point and said that there was a need to be more robust concerning how grants were managed.   Referring to the subject of  regeneration Councillor Halford asked if a short note outlining what Vibrant and Viable places was could be e-mailed to her following the meeting.  The  Economic Development Manageragreed to provide this to her.


The Community Support Services Manager responded to the queries from Councillor George Hardcastle concerning the change to a new common housing register for Flintshire.  The Cabinet Member for Community and Enterprise suggested that Members of the Committee be invited to go and have a look at how the SARTH system works. 


In response to a question regarding homelessness and use of bed and breakfast temporary accommodation the Community Support Services Manager said she would provide this information as part of a wider report on the SARTH policy to the meeting of the Committee to be held in October. 


Councillor Amanda Bragg referred to the matter of voids and the condition that some properties were left in when a tenant left.  She asked if information on what the bond scheme was could be e-mailed to her.  The Community Support Services Manager agreed to provide this.


In response to Councillor Ian Dunbar’s comments concerning information on the Council’s website about the Welsh Government Home Improvement Loan, the Housing Strategy and Regeneration Manager said he would review and improve this information.


In response to the earlier comments from Mr. John Ennis on future tenant and Member meetings, the Cabinet Member for Housing suggested that a report to outline terms of reference to set up a group to meet regularly be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee.




(a)       That the reports be noted; and


(b)       That feedback be provided to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee who are responsible for the overview and monitoring of improvement targets.



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