Agenda item



As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Education explained that a report had been considered at Cabinet in March 2015 which outlined a medium term plan for libraries.  Following that report, a consultation exercise had been carried out and views of the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been sought.  A copy of the draft minute of that meeting was appended to the report.


A summary of the discussion and recommendations from the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee was also appended to the report and focussed on the following four main areas:


·         The location of Deeside Leisure Centre and whether this should be the preferred location;

·         The robustness of the consultation exercise;

·         The clarity of the options over community asset transfer; and

·         Detailed work such as design of the library and the resources that would be available.


It had been claimed that the Council had not fully consulted; the Cabinet Member explained that the Council followed best practice on consultation and always avoided pre-determination.  A full consultation exercise had taken place with users, community representatives, young people and the equality assurance group which provided the results detailed in the report.  Additional correspondence had been received, such as petitions.


Ultimately it was the consultation, the future vision for the library services, and the budgetary constraints that were informing the development of a final set of options that were for consideration.


On Community Asset Transfer (CAT), the Council would consider for a locally run bookstock and IT provision either in the existing library buildings or other locations identified by the community as having the potential for CAT.  The community of Mancot had expressed a strong preference for this.


After the original proposal had been re-assessed, consultation had been completed, the discussion at Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the final options appraisal, it was proposed to proceed with the development of a library at Deeside Leisure Centre and to re-locate services from Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry.  Specific work would then be undertaken with the three communities to:

1.    Address the concerns raised about the Deeside location

2.    Plan community library services for each of these areas

3.    Identify if a CAT was feasible and could be supported

4.    Work with communities to finalise the design and resources available for the new library at Deeside Leisure Centre


The Chief Executive added that a balance needed to be achieved between an affordable model and the national Public Library Standard which was for access to a library within 2.5 miles.  If the second phase of library reviews was then approved, the Council would have a sustainable model.  Welsh Government (WG) would need to be aware that the Council could not then revisit the model and carry out a third review to still balance affordability and meeting the Standards.


The Member Engagement Manager said Councillor Clive Carver had suggested an amendment to the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee minutes on his comments to read “Councillor Carver stated that although against the overall re-location of Hawarden library he would not be opposed to the provision of a mobile library service but that it would be difficult to find a suitable site from where the service could be provided from” which was accepted.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development said this was a hard decision for the Cabinet, however, widespread consultation had taken place to provide them with the information required to make the decision.  He felt this was the best outcome for the three communities.




(a)       That the results of the consultation, the views of the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the final options appraisal be received;


(b)       That the development of a library at Deeside Leisure Centre, re-locating services from Hawarden, Mancot and Queensferry, be approved; and


(c)        That it be agreed for the Council to work with the three communities specifically to:

·         Address concerns raised about the Deeside location

·         Plan community library services for each of these areas

·         Identify if a CAT is feasible and can be supported

·         Finalise the design and resources available at the new library at Deeside Leisure Centre

 Note Councillor Helen Brown left the room for this item

Supporting documents: